dc.contributorGómez Puente, Amada Virginia
dc.creatorBenavides Del Rosario, Hugo Eduardo
dc.descriptionCongenital syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that infects the fetus through the blood. It is caused by Treponema pallidum. Its treatment is effective, and the main diagnostic factor of congenital syphilis is the correct diagnosis of the mother's disease. In adults and during pregnancy, the disease goes through three stages (primary, secondary and tertiary), each with different clinical signs and transmission risks. The second stage is self-limiting, giving way to an asymptomatic period known as the incubation period. In newborns, the disease does not appear in the primary stage but begins in the secondary stage, as the infection progresses through the placental transfusion route. Difficult to diagnose definitively and based on unknotted serological tests (VDRL, RPR). Transmission to the newborn depends on the stage of the mother's disease and the number of weeks of pregnancy. Syphilis is usually transmitted to the fetus when a pregnant woman with active disease (RPR 1/8 or higher) is less than 5 years old and has not received adequate penicillin treatment in 95% of cases and subsequent doses are administered to the mother.
dc.descriptionCongenital syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that infects the fetus through the blood. It is caused by Treponema pallidum. Its treatment is effective, and the main diagnostic factor of congenital syphilis is the correct diagnosis of the mother's disease. In adults and during pregnancy, the disease goes through three stages (primary, secondary and tertiary), each with different clinical signs and transmission risks. The second stage is self-limiting, giving way to an asymptomatic period known as the incubation period. In newborns, the disease does not appear in the primary stage but begins in the secondary stage, as the infection progresses through the placental transfusion route. Difficult to diagnose definitively and based on unknotted serological tests (VDRL, RPR). Transmission to the newborn depends on the stage of the mother's disease and the number of weeks of pregnancy. Syphilis is usually transmitted to the fetus when a pregnant woman with active disease (RPR 1/8 or higher) is less than 5 years old and has not received adequate penicillin treatment in 95% of cases and subsequent doses are administered to the mother.
dc.descriptionLa sífilis congénita es una enfermedad de transmisión sexual que infecta al feto a través de la sangre. Es causada por Treponema pallidum. Su tratamiento es efectivo, y el principal factor diagnóstico de la sífilis congénita es el diagnóstico correcto de la enfermedad de la madre. En adultos y durante el embarazo, la enfermedad pasa por tres etapas (primaria, secundaria y terciaria), cada una con signos clínicos y riesgos de transmisión diferentes. La segunda etapa es auto limitada, dando paso a un período asintomático conocido como período de incubación. En los recién nacidos, la enfermedad no aparece en la etapa primaria sino que comienza en la etapa secundaria, a medida que la infección avanza por la vía transfusional placentaria. Difícil de diagnosticar definitivamente y basado en pruebas serológicas sin nudos (VDRL, RPR). La transmisión al recién nacido depende del estadio de la enfermedad de la madre y del número de semanas de embarazo. La sífilis generalmente se transmite al feto cuando una mujer embarazada con una enfermedad activa (RPR 1/8 o superior) tiene menos de 5 años y no ha recibido el tratamiento adecuado de penicilina en el 95% de los casos y se administran dosis posteriores a la madre.
dc.format31 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectSífilis congénita neonatal
dc.subjectTreponema Pallidum
dc.titleProceso de atención de enfermería aplicado en neonato con sífilis congénita.

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