dc.contributorMedina León, Alberto
dc.creatorMaliza Muñoz, Washington Fernando
dc.descriptionAutonomous learning is approached from the contribution provided by virtual platforms, in this case Moodle and its effect on learning. The dimensions and characteristics to be promoted were determined so that by implementing autonomous learning the academic performance of the student is improved. The research approach is quantitative, with a non-experimental and longitudinal design. The methods applied started from the use of theoretical and empirical, to the application of inferential statistics. The study population was 139 students and the same number of parents and nine (9) managers. A survey was applied with response options based on the Likert scale, processed in Excel and analyzed in the SPSS V. 25 Software. The results showed that Moodle improves: responsibility in 71.1%, independence in 68, 4% and self-regulation in 71%; while the characteristic of collaborative work is deterministic of Moodle in 72.4%. Thus, it was concluded that there is a high direct correlation between the collaborative work of Moodle with the responsibility and self-regulation of autonomous learning.
dc.descriptionAutonomous learning is approached from the contribution provided by virtual platforms, in this case Moodle and its effect on learning. The dimensions and characteristics to be promoted were determined so that by implementing autonomous learning the academic performance of the student is improved. The research approach is quantitative, with a non-experimental and longitudinal design. The methods applied started from the use of theoretical and empirical, to the application of inferential statistics. The study population was 139 students and the same number of parents and nine (9) managers. A survey was applied with response options based on the Likert scale, processed in Excel and analyzed in the SPSS V. 25 Software. The results showed that Moodle improves: responsibility in 71.1%, independence in 68, 4% and self-regulation in 71%; while the characteristic of collaborative work is deterministic of Moodle in 72.4%. Thus, it was concluded that there is a high direct correlation between the collaborative work of Moodle with the responsibility and self-regulation of autonomous learning.
dc.descriptionEl aprendizaje autónomo es abordado desde el aporte que brindan las plataformas virtuales, para este caso Moodle y su efecto en el aprendizaje. Se determinaron las dimensiones y características a potenciar de manera que al implementar el aprendizaje autónomo se mejore el rendimiento académico del estudiante. El enfoque de la investigación es cuantitativo, con diseño no experimental y longitudinal. Los métodos aplicados partieron de la utilización de los teóricos y empírico, hasta la aplicación de la estadística inferencial. La población objeto de estudio fue de 139 estudiantes e igual cantidad de padres de familia y nueve (9) directivos. Se aplicó una encuesta con opciones de respuesta con base a la escala de Likert, procesada en Excel y analizados en el Software SPSS V. 25. Los resultados mostraron que Moodle mejoras de: la responsabilidad en 71,1 %, la independencia en 68,4 % y la autorregulación en 71 %; mientras que la característica del trabajo colaborativo es determinística de Moodle en 72,4 %. Es así que, se concluyó que existe una correlación directa alta entre el trabajo colaborativo que genera Moodle con la responsabilidad y autorregulación propias del aprendizaje autónomo.
dc.format54 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectAprendizaje autónomo
dc.subjectRendimiento académico
dc.titleAprendizaje autónomo en Moodle

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