dc.contributorRojas Machado, María Eugenia
dc.creatorNaranjo Sánchez, Edwin Hernán
dc.descriptionA clinical case study was conducted on second degree burns in a pediatric patient 2 years 2 months. The children being one of the main affected in home accidents, by different types of burns either agents: Physical, chemical and biological. As a reference for our case study, we chose history medical from the Venus de Valdivia maternal and child health center. With the main objective of explaining and describing second degree burns. Through your evaluation, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation. Through the application of the Nursing Care Process. Therefore, the present clinical case is focused on the second-degree burns based on the clinical history of the patient and the scientific bibliographic review. And by nursing we proceed to the application of the. NANDA, NOC, NIC since your entry and all your hospital stay for your soon recovery.
dc.descriptionA clinical case study was conducted on second degree burns in a pediatric patient 2 years 2 months. The children being one of the main affected in home accidents, by different types of burns either agents: Physical, chemical and biological. As a reference for our case study, we chose history medical from the Venus de Valdivia maternal and child health center. With the main objective of explaining and describing second degree burns. Through your evaluation, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation. Through the application of the Nursing Care Process. Therefore, the present clinical case is focused on the second-degree burns based on the clinical history of the patient and the scientific bibliographic review. And by nursing we proceed to the application of the. NANDA, NOC, NIC since your entry and all your hospital stay for your soon recovery.
dc.descriptionSe realizó un estudio de caso clínico sobre quemaduras de segundo grado en un paciente pediátrico de 2 años 2 meses. Siendo los niños unos de los principales afectados en los accidentes del hogar, por diferentes tipos de quemaduras ya sea agentes: físicos, químicos y biológicos. El estudio del caso clínico del centro de salud materno infantil Venus de Valdivia. Tiene como finalidad explicar y describir las quemaduras de segundo grado; mediante su valoración, diagnóstico, tratamiento y rehabilitación mediante la aplicación del Proceso de Atención de Enfermería (PAE). Por lo tanto, el presente caso clínico está enfocado en las quemaduras de segundo grado, basado en la historia clínica real del paciente y la revisión bibliográfica científica, y por parte de enfermería se procede a la aplicación del NANDA, NOC y NIC desde su ingreso y toda su estancia hospitalaria para su pronta recuperación.
dc.format44 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectHistoria Clínica
dc.subjectProceso de Atención de Enfermería
dc.titleProceso de atención de enfermería en preescolar con quemaduras de segundo grado.

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