dc.contributorVerdesoto Galeas, Janett del Rocio
dc.creatorCundulli Lisintuña, Carlos Aníbal
dc.descriptionPeople deprived of liberty in Ecuador each time enter an alarming number, the spaces where they have to serve their sentence is totally deteriorated, reduced and must live with people who have committed all kinds of serious crimes such as death, rape, theft arming, trafficking and consumption of illicit substances, facing this situation is where a person who enters a prison for the first time must remain. This case study is directly related to the line and research subline of the clinical psychology clinic: diagnosis and prevention, behavioral disorder and its impact on the teaching-learning process, in turn in order to reduce anxiety levels in a person who enters jail for the first time. The work focuses specifically on the mental health of the person, the types of anxiety can be known, since the normal, pathological anxiety and a disorder are totally different and their treatment varies completely according to the need presented, the deprivation of the freedom to a person has an objective it will be known what rights will be restricted for inmates. In order to carry out the case study, the different techniques used as clinical interviews, psychometric tests that are used for the collection of information will be detailed, this in turn allows obtaining both psychological tests and clinical observation in the cognitive part, affective, thinking, social behavior thus establishing a diagnosis according to DSM-5 F41.1 (300.02) to apply a therapy with the TREC model, using the different techniques recommended by the author of ABC therapy, is applied the twelve steps established in the model and finally reaching the conclusion and recommendation to follow daily.
dc.descriptionPeople deprived of liberty in Ecuador each time enter an alarming number, the spaces where they have to serve their sentence is totally deteriorated, reduced and must live with people who have committed all kinds of serious crimes such as death, rape, theft arming, trafficking and consumption of illicit substances, facing this situation is where a person who enters a prison for the first time must remain. This case study is directly related to the line and research subline of the clinical psychology clinic: diagnosis and prevention, behavioral disorder and its impact on the teaching-learning process, in turn in order to reduce anxiety levels in a person who enters jail for the first time. The work focuses specifically on the mental health of the person, the types of anxiety can be known, since the normal, pathological anxiety and a disorder are totally different and their treatment varies completely according to the need presented, the deprivation of the freedom to a person has an objective it will be known what rights will be restricted for inmates. In order to carry out the case study, the different techniques used as clinical interviews, psychometric tests that are used for the collection of information will be detailed, this in turn allows obtaining both psychological tests and clinical observation in the cognitive part, affective, thinking, social behavior thus establishing a diagnosis according to DSM-5 F41.1 (300.02) to apply a therapy with the TREC model, using the different techniques recommended by the author of ABC therapy, is applied the twelve steps established in the model and finally reaching the conclusion and recommendation to follow daily.
dc.descriptionLas personas privadas de la libertad en el Ecuador cada vez ingresan en números alarmantes, el espacio donde tienen que cumplir su sentencia está deteriorado, reducido y debe convivir con personas que han cometido todo tipo de delitos graves como muerte, violación, robo armado, tráfico y consumo de sustancias ilícitas, frente a esta situación debe permanecer una persona que ingresa por primera vez a un centro penitenciario. Este estudio de caso se relaciona directamente con la línea y sublínea de investigación de la cerrera de Psicología Clínica: diagnóstico y prevención, trastorno del comportamiento y su impacto en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, a su vez con el fin de reducir los niveles de ansiedad en una persona que ingresa por primera vez a la cárcel. El trabajo se centra específicamente en la salud mental de la persona, se podrá conocer los tipos de ansiedad, ya que la ansiedad normal, patológica y un trastorno son totalmente diferentes y su tratamiento varía totalmente de acuerdo a la necesidad que presente, la privación de la libertad a una persona tiene un objetivo se conocerá que derechos estarán restringidos para los internos. Para realizar la elaboración del estudio de caso se detallará las diferentes técnicas utilizadas como entrevistas clínicas, test psicométricos que se usa para la recolección de información, esto a su vez permite obtener resultados tanto las pruebas psicológicas como en la observación clínica en la parte cognitiva, afectiva, el pensamiento, conducta social llegando así a establecer un diagnostico según el DSM-5 F41.1(300.02) para aplicar una terapia con el modelo de la TREC , utilizando las diferentes técnicas recomendadas por el autor de la terapia A-B-C, se aplica los doce pasos establecidos en el modelo y finalmente llegando a la conclusión y recomendación a seguir diariamente.
dc.format29 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB, 2020
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectCreencia irracional
dc.subjectPrivación de la libertad
dc.titleCuadro de ansiedad en una persona privada de libertad que ingresa a la cárcel por primera vez

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