dc.contributorCruz Villegas., Janeth
dc.creatorValverde Naranjo, María Lisseth
dc.descriptionAmong the complications that are most noticeable in a mother's fetus with diabetes is fetal macrosomia, placing it among one of the first reasons for neonatal morbidity and probable intrapartum complications thanks to these anomalies that are shown in pregnancy. Fetal macrosomia is determined as the weight of a fetus at birth of 4,000 grams or more, this anomaly is shown more or less in 15 to 45% of pregnancies that were complicated by diabetes, making the incidences of intrapartum trauma extend its index and this increases cesarean delivery and postpartum hemorrhage. Ultrasound, being the method of prediction of fetal macrosomia, is subject to margins of error, this usually happens to a large extent to underestimate the estimated fetal weight at gestational age.
dc.descriptionAmong the complications that are most noticeable in a mother's fetus with diabetes is fetal macrosomia, placing it among one of the first reasons for neonatal morbidity and probable intrapartum complications thanks to these anomalies that are shown in pregnancy. Fetal macrosomia is determined as the weight of a fetus at birth of 4,000 grams or more, this anomaly is shown more or less in 15 to 45% of pregnancies that were complicated by diabetes, making the incidences of intrapartum trauma extend its index and this increases cesarean delivery and postpartum hemorrhage. Ultrasound, being the method of prediction of fetal macrosomia, is subject to margins of error, this usually happens to a large extent to underestimate the estimated fetal weight at gestational age.
dc.descriptionEn medio de las complicaciones que más se notan en un feto de mamá con diabetes es la macrosomía fetal, colocándose entre una de las primeras razones de morbilidad neonatal y probables complicaciones intraparto gracias a estas anomalías que se muestran en el embarazo. Macrosomía fetal es determinada como el peso de un feto al nacer de 4.000 gr a más, esta anomalía se muestra más o menos entre un 15 a 45 % de embarazos que se complicaron con diabetes, realizando que las incidencias en traumas intraparto extiendan su índice y con ello se incrementa el parto por cesárea y las hemorragias postparto. La ecografía siendo el método de predicción de macrosomía fetal, está sujeto a márgenes de error, esto suele suceder en gran parte a subestimar el peso fetal estimado a la edad gestacional.
dc.format42 p
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectPeso Fetal
dc.titleMacrosomía fetal por diabetes gestacional

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