dc.contributorCrespo Silva, Tanya Anabella
dc.creatorArias González, Freddy Rogelio
dc.descriptionThe present work gives rise to the creation of a clinical case with a selected theme of a school patient with appendicitis. This case is often represented at the Noboa Montenegro Hospital in the city of Guaranda, in the Pediatrics area. For this clinical case, a methodology was used where the patient's clinical history, general habits, staff monitoring for improvement and incorporation into their daily lives are known. Likewise, a theoretical framework is deepened where information is sought about appendicitis that different authors tell us. Appendicitis is and will continue to be a common pathology in pediatric patients and one of the main causes of hospital admission in a health unit. Appendicitis in a pediatric patient is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, hyperthermia of 38°C, cramping abdominal pain in the right iliac fossa that requires immediate surgical intervention (appendectomy) for the slight recovery of the patient.
dc.descriptionThe present work gives rise to the creation of a clinical case with a selected theme of a school patient with appendicitis. This case is often represented at the Noboa Montenegro Hospital in the city of Guaranda, in the Pediatrics area. For this clinical case, a methodology was used where the patient's clinical history, general habits, staff monitoring for improvement and incorporation into their daily lives are known. Likewise, a theoretical framework is deepened where information is sought about appendicitis that different authors tell us. Appendicitis is and will continue to be a common pathology in pediatric patients and one of the main causes of hospital admission in a health unit. Appendicitis in a pediatric patient is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, hyperthermia of 38°C, cramping abdominal pain in the right iliac fossa that requires immediate surgical intervention (appendectomy) for the slight recovery of the patient.
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo da lugar a la creación de un caso clínico con un tema seleccionado de un paciente escolar con apendicitis. Este caso se representa seguido en el Hospital Noboa Montenegro en la ciudad de Guaranda, en el área de Pediatría. Para este caso clínico se utilizó una metodología donde se conoce la historia clínica del paciente, los hábitos generales, el seguimiento del personal para su mejora e incorporarse en su vida cotidiana. Así mismo, se profundiza un marco teórico donde se busca la información acerca de la apendicitis que nos relata diferentes autores. La apendicitis es y seguirá siendo una patología usual en pacientes pediátricos y una de las principales causas de ingreso hospitalario en una unidad de salud. La apendicitis que presenta un paciente pediátrico se acompaña con síntomas como nauseas, vomito, hipertermia de 38° C, dolor abdominal tipo retortijón en la fosa iliaca derecha que requiere de inmediato una intervención quirúrgica (apendicectomía) para la ligera recuperación del paciente.
dc.format35 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectPaciente Escolar
dc.titleProceso de atención de enfermería en paciente escolar con apendicectomía.

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