dc.contributorMartínez Álvarez, Marlon
dc.creatorRomero Cuadrado, Bethy Maribel
dc.descriptionThe objective of this study being to know the obstetric behavior in the face of eclampsia in a 15-year-old primigravida with a 36.3-week pregnancy, the methodology to be carried out was a retrospective and descriptive study, reviewing the clinical history of the patient who presented eclampsia at 40 weeks of gestation, maintaining a blood pressure of 145/100 mm / Hg (HT), proteinuria three crosses (+++), and 40% edema, with a clinical picture of headache in the occipital region, blurred vision and vomiting on 10 occasions, the patient performed Tonic-clonic seizure, she received prophylactic treatment with magnesium sulfate and an emergency cesarean section was decided, with a diagnosis of eclampsia. The patient did not suffer from arterial hypertension (HT) before or during pregnancy. There was no maternal or perinatal death. Patient did not present a retroplacental hematoma, the newborn was not low weight, had Apgar 7 - 8 - 9 at birth. The incidence of eclampsia is still high in this hospital, although maternal complications are not as frequent and the perinatal results are not bad. Not all cases can be prevented with the administration of magnesium sulfate, but in severe pre-eclampsia it is an essential indication.
dc.descriptionThe objective of this study being to know the obstetric behavior in the face of eclampsia in a 15-year-old primigravida with a 36.3-week pregnancy, the methodology to be carried out was a retrospective and descriptive study, reviewing the clinical history of the patient who presented eclampsia at 40 weeks of gestation, maintaining a blood pressure of 145/100 mm / Hg (HT), proteinuria three crosses (+++), and 40% edema, with a clinical picture of headache in the occipital region, blurred vision and vomiting on 10 occasions, the patient performed Tonic-clonic seizure, she received prophylactic treatment with magnesium sulfate and an emergency cesarean section was decided, with a diagnosis of eclampsia. The patient did not suffer from arterial hypertension (HT) before or during pregnancy. There was no maternal or perinatal death. Patient did not present a retroplacental hematoma, the newborn was not low weight, had Apgar 7 - 8 - 9 at birth. The incidence of eclampsia is still high in this hospital, although maternal complications are not as frequent and the perinatal results are not bad. Not all cases can be prevented with the administration of magnesium sulfate, but in severe pre-eclampsia it is an essential indication.
dc.descriptionSiendo el objetivo de este estudio conocer la conducta obstétrica ante eclampsia en primigesta de 15 años con embarazo de 36.3 semanas la metodología a realizarse fue un estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo, revisando la historia clínica de la paciente que presentó eclampsia a sus 40 semanas de gestación manteniendo una presión arterial de 145/100 mm/Hg (HTA) proteinuria tres cruces (+++), y 40 % edema, con un cuadro clínico de cefalea a nivel de región occipital, visión borrosa y vómito por 10 ocasiones, la paciente realiza convulsión tonicoclónica, recibe el tratamiento profiláctico con sulfato de magnesio y se decide cesárea de emergencia, con diagnóstico de eclampsia, la paciente no padeció hipertensión arterial (HTA) antes ni durante el embarazo. No hubo muerte materna ni perinatal. Paciente no presentó hematoma retroplacentario el recién nacido no fue de bajo peso, tuvo Apgar 7 – 8 – 9 al nacimiento. La incidencia de eclampsia aún es alta en este hospital, aunque las complicaciones maternas no son tan frecuentes y los resultados perinatales no son malos. No todos los casos pueden prevenirse con la administración de sulfato de magnesio, pero en la preeclampsia grave es una indicación indispensable.
dc.format33 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectHematoma Retroplacentario
dc.titleConducta obstétrica ante eclampsia en primigesta de 15 años con embarazo de 36.3 semanas.

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