dc.contributorLedesma Diéguez, Nancy
dc.creatorTapia Montoya, Nataly Marina
dc.descriptionHIV (human immunodeficiency virus) began in the United States in 1981, it is the causative agent of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). This virus affects both men and women and is a very important cause of mortality in young adults. This virus is characterized by the destruction of the immune system, especially CD4 lymphocytes, which are the ones that help fight infections that enter our body. Around 30 to 70% of patients with AIDS may present some type of ophthalmological complication, among the most frequent ocular manifestations are: vascular microangiopathy, cytomegalovirus retinitis and Kaposi's sarcoma. For this reason, the objective of the optometrist is to provide primary care and in the case of any pathological manifestation to refer to ophthalmological support in time. A 65-year-old female patient attends an optometric consultation referring to decreased visual acuity both from far and near, a situation that prevents her from comfortably performing close activities, and with a diagnosis of HIV approximately one year ago. Subjective refraction and objective examinations by means of biomicroscopy and assessment of the posterior segment were the main diagnostic measures that were performed to rule out ocular alterations due to HIV. Where no type of alteration of the ocular system was found and its decrease in visual acuity was due to myopia accompanied by presbyopia due to age.
dc.descriptionHIV (human immunodeficiency virus) began in the United States in 1981, it is the causative agent of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). This virus affects both men and women and is a very important cause of mortality in young adults. This virus is characterized by the destruction of the immune system, especially CD4 lymphocytes, which are the ones that help fight infections that enter our body. Around 30 to 70% of patients with AIDS may present some type of ophthalmological complication, among the most frequent ocular manifestations are: vascular microangiopathy, cytomegalovirus retinitis and Kaposi's sarcoma. For this reason, the objective of the optometrist is to provide primary care and in the case of any pathological manifestation to refer to ophthalmological support in time. A 65-year-old female patient attends an optometric consultation referring to decreased visual acuity both from far and near, a situation that prevents her from comfortably performing close activities, and with a diagnosis of HIV approximately one year ago. Subjective refraction and objective examinations by means of biomicroscopy and assessment of the posterior segment were the main diagnostic measures that were performed to rule out ocular alterations due to HIV. Where no type of alteration of the ocular system was found and its decrease in visual acuity was due to myopia accompanied by presbyopia due to age.
dc.descriptionEl VIH (virus de inmunodeficiencia humana) se inició en Estados Unidos en el año 1981, es el agente causal del SIDA (Síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida). Este virus afecta tanto a hombres como mujeres y es una causa muy importante de mortalidad en adultos jóvenes. Este virus se caracteriza por la destrucción al sistema inmunitario especialmente a los linfocitos CD4 que son los que ayudan a combatir las infecciones que ingresan a nuestro organismo. Alrededor del 30 a 70% de los pacientes con Sida pueden presentar algún tipo de complicación oftalmológica, entre las manifestaciones oculares más frecuentes son: la microangiopatia vascular, retinitis por Citomegalovirus y el sarcoma de Kaposi. Por esta razón el objetivo del optometrista es brindar atención primaria y en el caso de alguna manifestación patológica derivar a tiempo un apoyo oftalmológico. Paciente femenino de 65 años de edad acude a una consulta optométrica refiriendo disminución de la agudeza visual tanto de lejos y cerca situación que le impide realizar cómodamente sus actividades de cerca, y con diagnóstico de VIH hace aproximadamente de un año. La refracción subjetiva y exámenes objetivos por medio de biomicroscopia y valoración del segmento posterior fueron las principales medidas de diagnóstico que se realizaron para descartar alteraciones oculares a causa del VIH. Donde no se encontré ningún tipo de alteración del sistema ocular y su disminución de la agudeza visual se debía a una miopía acompañada de una presbicia por la edad.
dc.format36 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2020
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectProblemas refractivos
dc.titleIdentificar trastornos visuales en pacientes portadores de VIH.

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