dc.contributorMedina Burbano, Roberto
dc.creatorPeñafiel Troya, Julio Jefferson
dc.descriptionThe present work was based on the research, whose objective was to synthesize information on edaphic fertilization based on potassium about the development and yield of the banana crop "Mussa paradisiaca". In Ecuador the production and commercialization of banana is one of the main sources of economic income, although it did not have its origin in the country, it is considered one of the oldest crops, mainly of the coastal region, the Banana is one of the main crops at world and national level; its production is centered in feeding the population due to its high nutritional value and its low cost, therefore, considered a crop of economic, social and nutritional importance. K is a primary macronutrient for plants, however, although it is essential, it is not metabolized by plants, remaining unmembered by organic molecules throughout its cycle; however, it is part of multiple functions within plants such as photosynthesis, regulation of water content, protein metabolism and enzyme activator, the demand for the nutrient potassium (K), exceeds the needs of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), in order to sustain adequate growth and optimal production levels, the amounts of K applied in different countries vary from 100 to 1200 K2O kg/ha/year. The symptoms of K deficiency are yellowing at the tips of the lower or older leaves, as the plant grows the leaf curves inward and then dies, there are deformations of the bunch, being these of small size, with deformities and thin mostly due to poorly filled fruit, it is also very common that plants have a slow growth and take a "stunted" appearance, this is due to the marked shortening of internodes
dc.descriptionThe present work was based on the research, whose objective was to synthesize information on edaphic fertilization based on potassium about the development and yield of the banana crop "Mussa paradisiaca". In Ecuador the production and commercialization of banana is one of the main sources of economic income, although it did not have its origin in the country, it is considered one of the oldest crops, mainly of the coastal region, the Banana is one of the main crops at world and national level; its production is centered in feeding the population due to its high nutritional value and its low cost, therefore, considered a crop of economic, social and nutritional importance. K is a primary macronutrient for plants, however, although it is essential, it is not metabolized by plants, remaining unmembered by organic molecules throughout its cycle; however, it is part of multiple functions within plants such as photosynthesis, regulation of water content, protein metabolism and enzyme activator, the demand for the nutrient potassium (K), exceeds the needs of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), in order to sustain adequate growth and optimal production levels, the amounts of K applied in different countries vary from 100 to 1200 K2O kg/ha/year. The symptoms of K deficiency are yellowing at the tips of the lower or older leaves, as the plant grows the leaf curves inward and then dies, there are deformations of the bunch, being these of small size, with deformities and thin mostly due to poorly filled fruit, it is also very common that plants have a slow growth and take a "stunted" appearance, this is due to the marked shortening of internodes
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo realizado se fundamentó en la investigación, cuyo objetivo fue sintetizar información sobre la fertilización edáfica a base de potasio sobre el desarrollo y rendimiento del cultivo de banano “Mussa paradisiaca”. En el Ecuador la producción y comercialización de banano es un de las principales fuentes de ingreso económico, aunque no tuvo su origen en el país, es considerado uno de los cultivos más antiguos, principalmente de la región costera, el Banano es uno de los principales cultivos a nivel mundial y nacional; su producción está centrada en alimentar a la población debido a su alto valor nutricional y su bajo costo, por lo tanto, considerado un cultivo de importancia económica, social y alimenticia. El K es un macronutriente primario para las plantas, sin embargo, aunque es esencial no es metabolizados por las plantas, permaneciendo sin formar parte de moléculas orgánicas durante todo su ciclo; no obstante, es parte de múltiples funciones dentro de las plantas como la fotosíntesis, regulación del contenido de agua, metabolismo de proteínas y activador de enzimas, la demanda del nutriente potasio (K), supera las necesidades de nitrógeno (N) y fósforo (P), en función de sostener un crecimiento adecuado y niveles óptimos de producción, las cantidades de K aplicadas en diferentes países varían de 100 a 1200 K2O kg/ha/año. Los síntomas de deficiencia de K son el amarillamiento en las puntas de las hojas bajas o más viejas, a medida que la planta crece la hoja se curva hacia adentro y luego muere, existe deformaciones del racimo, siendo estos de bajo tamaño, con deformidades y delgados en su mayoría, debido al mal llenado de la fruta, es muy común también que las plantas presenten un crecimiento lento y que tomen una apariencia “achaparrada”, esto se debe al marcado acortamiento entrenudos.
dc.format20 p.
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.titleImportancia de la fertilización edáfica a base de potasio sobre el desarrollo y rendimiento del cultivo de banano (Musa × paradisiaca

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