dc.contributorAragundi García, Luis Iván
dc.creatorRivera Vera, Paola Rosalía
dc.descriptionInfographics is a tool that summarizes relevant information on a topic since it is responsible for using different visual media to capture the attention of readers, it is also a technique that has achieved great prominence due to the development of technology and also thanks to the heyday of cyberjournalism in recent decades, which allowed it to obtain a place in the print, visual and digital media, because through this tool many people can be informed in a didactic way about a situation. Therefore, the main objective of this research lies in the analysis of investigative infographics as a communication tool in the cultural development of young people from the La Ercilia campus of the Ventanas canton, year 2021. The methodology used is based on the analytical, deductive and inductive technique, since these allow to deepen the subject, they are also the bases for the observation and collection of both theoretical and field information in the population of the La Ercilia enclosure of the Ventanas canton, where it was possible to recognize with 75.97% of the respondents that this communication tool can contribute significantly to the cultural development of young people.
dc.descriptionInfographics is a tool that summarizes relevant information on a topic since it is responsible for using different visual media to capture the attention of readers, it is also a technique that has achieved great prominence due to the development of technology and also thanks to the heyday of cyberjournalism in recent decades, which allowed it to obtain a place in the print, visual and digital media, because through this tool many people can be informed in a didactic way about a situation. Therefore, the main objective of this research lies in the analysis of investigative infographics as a communication tool in the cultural development of young people from the La Ercilia campus of the Ventanas canton, year 2021. The methodology used is based on the analytical, deductive and inductive technique, since these allow to deepen the subject, they are also the bases for the observation and collection of both theoretical and field information in the population of the La Ercilia enclosure of the Ventanas canton, where it was possible to recognize with 75.97% of the respondents that this communication tool can contribute significantly to the cultural development of young people.
dc.descriptionLas infografías es una herramienta que resume información relevante de un tema ya que se encarga de emplear diferentes medios visuales para captar la atención de los lectores, además es una técnica que ha alcanzado un gran protagonismo por el desarrollo de la tecnología y también gracias al apogeo del ciberperiodismo en las últimas décadas lo que le permitió obtener un lugar en los medios de comunicación tanto impresos, visuales y digitales, porque por medio de esta herramienta muchas personas pueden informarse de manera didáctica sobre alguna situación. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal de la presente investigación radica en el análisis de la infografía investigativa como herramienta comunicacional en el desarrollo cultural de los jóvenes del recinto La Ercilia del cantón Ventanas, año 2021. La metodología utilizada se fundamenta en la técnica analítica, deductiva e inductiva, ya que estas permiten profundizar el tema, además son las bases para la observación y la recaudación de información tanto teórica como de campo en la población del recinto La Ercilia del cantón Ventanas, donde se logró reconocer con el 75,97% de los encuestados que esta herramienta comunicacional puede contribuir de manera significativa a desarrollo cultural de los jóvenes.
dc.format31 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectContenido informativo
dc.subjectDesarrollo cultural
dc.titleInfografía investigativa como herramienta comunicacional en el desarrollo cultural de los jóvenes del Recinto La Ercilia cantón Ventanas, año 2021

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