dc.contributorCadena Piedrahita, Dalton
dc.creatorAlbán González, Alexis Leonardo
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this research is the socioeconomic characterization of the toquilla straw in Ecuador. It is known as a palm tree that is produced in several regions of Ecuador, the stems are grown and harvested to separate the fibers from the green bark, and then continue with the process of cooking, shaking, drying, zahumado or bleaching with sulfur and finally the distribution and marketing of the finished product. From this raw material, the weavers begin to manufacture various handicrafts, including the popular Panamanian hat, a technique that is part of the cultural heritage. In the present work, a bibliographic research method was used and information on toquilla straw published in repositories, books, scientific and academic journals was studied to facilitate the analysis. Consequently, toquilla straw cultivation in Ecuador plays a very significant role in the economy of several communities nationwide, becoming the main source of income for these households. Production is generated empirically by farmers belonging to rural communities, which is why it is necessary to provide a better induction to the toquilla straw producers so that they can supply the growing demand for the product for various activities, and in turn promote the increase in the remuneration of the labor force. It should be emphasized that in summary, the relevant aspects were identified as the agroindustry and socioeconomic aspects of the toquilla straw, where the transcendental knowledge of the producers and artisans was highlighted, who know how to work with this plant from its cultivation, harvesting and transformation into handicrafts.
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this research is the socioeconomic characterization of the toquilla straw in Ecuador. It is known as a palm tree that is produced in several regions of Ecuador, the stems are grown and harvested to separate the fibers from the green bark, and then continue with the process of cooking, shaking, drying, zahumado or bleaching with sulfur and finally the distribution and marketing of the finished product. From this raw material, the weavers begin to manufacture various handicrafts, including the popular Panamanian hat, a technique that is part of the cultural heritage. In the present work, a bibliographic research method was used and information on toquilla straw published in repositories, books, scientific and academic journals was studied to facilitate the analysis. Consequently, toquilla straw cultivation in Ecuador plays a very significant role in the economy of several communities nationwide, becoming the main source of income for these households. Production is generated empirically by farmers belonging to rural communities, which is why it is necessary to provide a better induction to the toquilla straw producers so that they can supply the growing demand for the product for various activities, and in turn promote the increase in the remuneration of the labor force. It should be emphasized that in summary, the relevant aspects were identified as the agroindustry and socioeconomic aspects of the toquilla straw, where the transcendental knowledge of the producers and artisans was highlighted, who know how to work with this plant from its cultivation, harvesting and transformation into handicrafts.
dc.descriptionEsta investigación tiene por objeto la caracterización socioeconómica de la paja toquilla en el Ecuador. Se denomina como una palmera que se produce en varias regiones del Ecuador, los tallos se cultivan y cosechan para apartar las fibras de la corteza verde, y posteriormente continuar con el proceso de cocción, sacudido, secado, zahumado o blanqueado con azufre y finalmente la distribución y comercialización del producto terminado. A partir de esta materia prima, los tejedores comienzan a manufacturar diversas artesanías, entre ellas el popular sombrero panameño, una técnica que forma parte del patrimonio cultural. En el presente trabajo se utilizó un método de investigación bibliográfica y se estudió la información sobre la paja de toquilla publicada en repositorios, libros, revistas científicas y académicas para facilitar el análisis. Por consiguiente, el cultivo de paja toquilla en el Ecuador representa un rol muy significativo en la economía de varias comunidades a nivel nacional, llegando a ser la principal fuente de ingresos económicos para estos hogares. La producción se genera de forma empírica por agricultores pertenecientes a comunidades rurales, por lo cual es necesario brindar una mejor inducción a los productores de paja toquilla y puedan abastecer la creciente demanda del producto para diversas actividades, y a su vez promover el incremento de la remuneración en la mano de obra. Cabe enfatizar que en síntesis se identificó los aspectos relevantes como la agroindustria y socioeconómico de la paja toquilla, en donde se resaltó el conocimiento trascendental de los productores y artesanos, que conocen como trabajar con esta planta desde su cultivo, cosecha y transformación en artesanías.
dc.format32 p.
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectPaja toquilla
dc.titleCaracterización socio-productiva del cultivo de paja toquilla (Carludovica palmata)

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