dc.contributorCórdova Loor, Francisco Javier
dc.creatorVilela Meza, Ricardo Santiago
dc.descriptionPatient Javier Pisco Rodriguez, 17 years old young man who never presented vision problems in school or college until he began to suffer itching in the eyelids, ignoring the issue rubbed his eyes very often to such an extent that he began to have blurred vision, distorted vision, double vision, and headaches, which is why he decides to have an eye exam and performing a series of tests among the most prominent refraction, the cover test and the Break Up Time (BUT) and it is discovered that he has corneal astigmatism caused by excessive eye rubbing may have changed the structure of the cornea because of much itching and burning eye associated with suffering from dry eye and the cause was overexposed to harmful blue light and different environmental changes, then the best solution is found to treat and improve all the symptoms of the patient among them: ametropia with lenses with their respective treatments and itching with the respective artificial tears eye drops and an orthoptic problem is discovered in the left eye (excess accommodation) and therapy is performed to improve it.
dc.descriptionPatient Javier Pisco Rodriguez, 17 years old young man who never presented vision problems in school or college until he began to suffer itching in the eyelids, ignoring the issue rubbed his eyes very often to such an extent that he began to have blurred vision, distorted vision, double vision, and headaches, which is why he decides to have an eye exam and performing a series of tests among the most prominent refraction, the cover test and the Break Up Time (BUT) and it is discovered that he has corneal astigmatism caused by excessive eye rubbing may have changed the structure of the cornea because of much itching and burning eye associated with suffering from dry eye and the cause was overexposed to harmful blue light and different environmental changes, then the best solution is found to treat and improve all the symptoms of the patient among them: ametropia with lenses with their respective treatments and itching with the respective artificial tears eye drops and an orthoptic problem is discovered in the left eye (excess accommodation) and therapy is performed to improve it.
dc.descriptionPaciente Javier Pisco Rodríguez joven de 17 años el cual nunca presento problemas de visión ni en escuela ni en colegio hasta que empezó a padecer picazón en los parpados, ignorando el tema se frotaba las vistas con mucha frecuencia a tal punto que empezó a tener visión borrosa, visión distorsionada, visión doble, y dolores de cabeza, motivo por el cual decide hacerse un examen visión y realizando una serie de exámenes entre los más destacados la refracción, el cover test y el Break Up Time (BUT) y se descubre que tiene astigmatismo corneal causados por el exceso de frotamiento ocular pudiendo haber cambiado la estructura de la córnea a causa de mucha picazón y ardor ocular asociado por padecer ojo seco y la causa fue sobre exponerse a la luz azul nociva y diferentes cambios ambientales, luego se encuentra la mejor solución para tratar y mejorar todos los síntomas del paciente entre ellos: la ametropía con lentes con sus respectivos tratamientos y la picazón con el respectivo colirio de lágrimas artificiales y se descubre un problema ortoptico en el ojo izquierdo (exceso de acomodación) y se realiza terapia para mejorarlo.
dc.format30 p.
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2023
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
dc.subjectCover Test
dc.subjectBreak up time
dc.titleAstigmatismo en paciente masculino de 17 años.

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