Artigo de periódico
Inovação técnica e os media óticos em Kafka
Santos, Thiago Benites dos
The reception of the work Franz Kafka’s is always seen through the point of view of the human condition, the labyrinth, the burocracy that imposes itself over the individum and so on. There is no doubt about the importance of such works for the study of Kafka’s work. Neverthless, the objectiv of the present work is to point out another aspect from Kafka’s work, which is the relation with the optical media and the technology in the twentieth century. The central work of this study is the book “Kafka goes to the movies” from Hanns Zischler published in 1996 as well as previous studies about this topic. Based on these publications this study intends to analyse the importance of these optical media like Kaiserpanorama, cinema, and general technics on Kafka. The two main topics are placed about the profundity of the image as seen through a Kaiserpanorama and its plasticity and the dynamics of the silent black and white movies.