Modelo teórico e metodológico para identificação de categorias estratégicas no setor de telefonia móvel no Brasil bmps : desenvolvimento de teoria

dc.creatorCruz, Luciano Barin
dc.creatorPedrozo, Eugenio Avila
dc.creatorSilva, Tania Nunes da
dc.descriptionThe Brazilian Mobile Phone Sector (BMPS) has been through a series of technological and structural changes in the past few years, which have directly impacted strategic issues that should be taken into consideration by companies in this sector. This article addresses three main objectives: the first is to explore some strategic BMPS categories; the second is to build a theoretical and methodological framework from them; and the third is to present a valueadded model supporting theory development. Towards that aim, we build on a theoretical approach to competitive strategy, technological innovation and stakeholders theory, and perform an empirical research supported by interviews with Brazilian experts from the sector; the interviews were further analyzed from a content analysis perspective. The key result from this study concerns the very theoretical and methodological framework for the BMPS, and such a framework can be conceived as a value-added contribution to theory. It is worth noting that some advances over traditional approaches to framework development are made, as well as regarding particular content analysis procedures.
dc.relationREAd : revista eletrônica de administração. Porto Alegre. Edição 43, vol. 11, n. 1 (jan./fev. 2005), documento eletrônico
dc.rightsOpen Access
dc.subjectTheoretical framework
dc.subjectFramework development
dc.subjectCompetitive strategy
dc.subjectTechnological innovation
dc.subjectMobile telephony
dc.subjectEstratégia competitiva
dc.subjectModelo teorico
dc.subjectTelefonia móvel
dc.subjectInovação tecnológica
dc.subjectVantagem competitiva
dc.subjectEstudo de caso
dc.titleTheorical and methodological framework to identifying strategic categories in the brazilian mobile phone sector (bmps) : towards theory development
dc.titleModelo teórico e metodológico para identificação de categorias estratégicas no setor de telefonia móvel no Brasil bmps : desenvolvimento de teoria
dc.typeArtigo de periódico

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