dc.creatorToledo, Geni Salete Pinto de
dc.creatorLopez, Jorge
dc.creatorCosta, P.T.C.
dc.descriptionTwo experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of diets formulated using the criteria of crude protein (CP) and ideal protein (IP) on the yield and carcass composition of male and female broilers. Birds of two broilers strains (Hybro G and Hybro PG) were reared from 1 to 42 days of age during the summer, with average temperatures of 26°C. A completely randomized experimental design was used in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, with 6 replicates and 20 birds per pen. On day 42, four birds from each experimental unit were killed and carcass yield and composition were determined. Breast yield was higher in males and females fed the IP-based diet than in birds fed the CP-based diet. Abdominal fat pad and carcass crude protein were statistically similar between the two protein criteria and between strains. Carcass amino acid levels evidenced higher levels of Met, Lys, Met+Cys and Thr in the males fed IP-based diets. No differences were seen between the two criteria for the females. Diets formulated according to IP resulted in better carcass and breast yield, both for males and females.
dc.relationRevista brasileira de ciência avícola= Brazilian journal of poultry science. Campinas, SP. Vol. 6, n. 4 (out./nov. 2004), p. 219-224
dc.rightsOpen Access
dc.subjectNutricao animal
dc.subjectCarcass composition
dc.subjectCrude protein
dc.subjectCarcass yield
dc.subjectIdeal protein
dc.titleYield and carcass composition of broilers fed with diets based on the concept of crude protein or ideal protein
dc.typeArtigo de periódico

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