Dental Fluorosis in relation to self-esteem in 5th secondary students of The Rosa Luz Educational Institution 5168- Puente Piedra 2019

dc.contributorPariajulca Fernández, Israel Robert
dc.creatorVillanueva Nicho, Jimmy Gerry
dc.descriptionLa investigación fue correlacional, descriptivo trasversal. Nuestros resultados también reportan que del total de estudiantes el 18.5% presentan fluorosis dental leve; el 45.6% presentan fluorosis dental moderada y el 35.9% resentan fluorosisl severo, del total de estudiantes de sexo masculino el 38.8% tienen fluorosis leve ; mujeres el 53.5% presentan fluorosis leve, del total de estudiantes varones el 40.8% tienen fluorosis moderado; mujeres el 38.1% presentan fluorosis moderado, del total de estudiantes que tienen autoestima mala el 79.4% tienen fluorosis severo ; del total de estudiantes que tienen autoestima buena el 68.4% tienen fluorosis dental leve Conclusión: Existe relación inversa -0.72 entre fluorosis dental y la autoestima en estudiantes de 5º de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Rosa Luz 5168–Puente Piedra. 2019
dc.descriptionThe research was correlational, descriptive and cross-sectional. Our results also report that of the total number of students 18.5% present mild dental fluorosis; 45.6% present moderate dental fluorosis and 35.9% present severe fluorosis; of the total number of male students 38.8% have mild fluorosis; 53.5% of female students present mild fluorosis; of the total number of male students 40.8% have moderate fluorosis; 38.1% of female students present moderate fluorosis; of the total number of male students 40.8% have moderate fluorosis; 79.4% have severe fluorosis; of the total number of students who have poor self-esteem 79.4% have severe fluorosis; of the total number of students who have poor self-esteem 79.4% have severe fluorosis. 1% present moderate fluorosis, of the total number of students who have bad self-esteem 79.4% have severe fluorosis; of the total number of students who have good self-esteem 68.4% have mild dental fluorosis Conclusion: There is an inverse relationship -0.72 between dental fluorosis and self-esteem in students of 5th year of secondary school of the Educational Institution Rosa Luz 5168-Puente Piedra. 2019
dc.publisherUniversidad Privada de Huancayo Franklin Roosevelt
dc.sourceUniversidad Privada de Huancayo Franklin Roosevelt
dc.subjectFluorosis dental
dc.titleFluorosis dental en relación a la autoestima en estudiantes de 5º de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Rosa Luz 5168 – Puente Piedra. 2019
dc.titleDental Fluorosis in relation to self-esteem in 5th secondary students of The Rosa Luz Educational Institution 5168- Puente Piedra 2019

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