Genetic and morphological variation in the Bulbophyllum exaltatum (Orchidaceae) complex occurring in the Brazilian “Campos Rupestres”: implications for taxonomy and biogeography

dc.creatorRibeiro, Patricia Luz
dc.creatorBorba, Eduardo
dc.creatorSmidt, Eric
dc.creatorLambert, S.M.
dc.creatorSelbach-Schnadelbach, A
dc.creatorden Berg, Cássio Van
dc.descriptionBulbophyllum Thouars is a pantropical genus. It is one of the most species-rich genera of the Orchidaceae, with ca. 1.200 species (Dressler 1993). The genus pre- sents myophily (pollination by Diptera) as pollination syndrome. Because orchid species are mainly self- compatible, we expect that fly-pollinated orchids pre- sent low variability within the populations and high genetic differentiation among conspecific populations, due to the reduction of the gene flow (Borba & Semir 1998, Borba et al. 2001). This could help to explain the high number of species in genera of fly-pollinated orchids, most of them with restricted distribution.en-US
dc.descriptionBulbophyllum Thouars is a pantropical genus. It is one of the most species-rich genera of the Orchidaceae, with ca. 1.200 species (Dressler 1993). The genus pre- sents myophily (pollination by Diptera) as pollination syndrome. Because orchid species are mainly self- compatible, we expect that fly-pollinated orchids pre- sent low variability within the populations and high genetic differentiation among conspecific populations, due to the reduction of the gene flow (Borba & Semir 1998, Borba et al. 2001). This could help to explain the high number of species in genera of fly-pollinated orchids, most of them with restricted distribution. es-ES
dc.publisherUniversidad de Costa Ricaen-US
dc.sourceLankesteriana: International Journal on Orchidology; 2007: Lankesteriana: Volumen 7, Número 1-2en-US
dc.sourceLankesteriana: International Journal on Orchidology; 2007: Lankesteriana: Volumen 7, Número 1-2es-ES
dc.subjectBulbophyllum exaltatumen-US
dc.subjectCadeia do Espinhaçoen-US
dc.subjectcampo rupestreen-US
dc.subjectgenetic variabilityen-US
dc.subjectgeographic barrieren-US
dc.subjectBulbophyllum exaltatumes-ES
dc.subjectCadeia do Espinhaçoes-ES
dc.subjectcampo rupestrees-ES
dc.subjectgenetic variabilityes-ES
dc.subjectgeographic barrieres-ES
dc.titleGenetic and morphological variation in the Bulbophyllum exaltatum (Orchidaceae) complex occurring in the Brazilian “Campos Rupestres”: implications for taxonomy and biogeographyen-US
dc.titleGenetic and morphological variation in the Bulbophyllum exaltatum (Orchidaceae) complex occurring in the Brazilian “Campos Rupestres”: implications for taxonomy and biogeographyes-ES

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