Abundancia relativa y uso de microhábitat de la rana Geobatrachus walkeri (Anura: Strabomantidae) en dos hábitats en Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia

dc.creatorMartínez Baños, Vera
dc.creatorPacheco Florez, Vanesa
dc.creatorP. Ramírez-Pinilla, Martha
dc.descriptionGeobatrachus walkeri belongs to a monotypic frog genus endemic to the San Lorenzo area, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. This species has been categorized as endangered because of its small distribution area and the decline in the extent and quality of its habitat. It inhabits two forest types with different composition and structure, the native secondary forest and a pine plantation (dominated by Pinus patula). To compare the relative abundance and microhabitat use of this species in these habitat types, 30 quadrants/environment were distributed randomly. The individual number, microhabitat use and other aspects of its natural history were registered using visual encounter surveys in both sites, including non-sampled areas in the quadrants. The relative abundance of frogs was significantly different between habitats and among seasons. The highest abundance of G. walkeri relative to the total area was found in the pine plantation, being 2.3 times higher than in the natural forest. More frogs were significantly found during the rainy season; nevertheless, active individuals were also found during the dry season. Significant differences were found in the microhabitat use with respect to the forest type and season. The most frequently microhabitat used in the two forest types was the pine leaf-litter; besides, in the native forest, the microhabitat occupied more frequently presented medium and large size stones. Geobatrachus walkeri is a successful species in pine plantations, associated permanently to its leaf-litter environment where it seems to develop its entire life cycle. The clear modifications in the soils and water, derived from the introduction of the pine plantation in this area, seem not to have negatively affected the conservation and successful maintenance of this species.en-US
dc.descriptionGeobatrachus walkeri belongs to a monotypic frog genus endemic to the San Lorenzo area, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. This species has been categorized as endangered because of its small distribution area and the decline in the extent and quality of its habitat. It inhabits two forest types with different composition and structure, the native secondary forest and a pine plantation (dominated by Pinus patula). To compare the relative abundance and microhabitat use of this species in these habitat types, 30 quadrants/environment were distributed randomly. The individual number, microhabitat use and other aspects of its natural history were registered using visual encounter surveys in both sites, including non-sampled areas in the quadrants. The relative abundance of frogs was significantly different between habitats and among seasons. The highest abundance of G. walkeri relative to the total area was found in the pine plantation, being 2.3 times higher than in the natural forest. More frogs were significantly found during the rainy season; nevertheless, active individuals were also found during the dry season. Significant differences were found in the microhabitat use with respect to the forest type and season. The most frequently microhabitat used in the two forest types was the pine leaf-litter; besides, in the native forest, the microhabitat occupied more frequently presented medium and large size stones. Geobatrachus walkeri is a successful species in pine plantations, associated permanently to its leaf-litter environment where it seems to develop its entire life cycle. The clear modifications in the soils and water, derived from the introduction of the pine plantation in this area, seem not to have negatively affected the conservation and successful maintenance of this species.es-ES
dc.publisherUniversidad de Costa Ricaen-US
dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2011 Revista de Biología Tropicales-ES
dc.sourceRevista de Biología Tropical; Vol. 59 No. 2 (2011): Volume 59 – Regular number 2 – June 2011; 907–920en-US
dc.sourceRevista de Biología Tropical; Vol. 59 Núm. 2 (2011): Volumen 59 – Número regular 2 – Junio 2011; 907–920es-ES
dc.sourceRevista Biología Tropical; Vol. 59 N.º 2 (2011): Volumen 59 – Número regular 2 – Junio 2011; 907–920pt-PT
dc.subjectleaf-litter anuranses-ES
dc.subjectamphibian conservationes-ES
dc.subjectpine plantationses-ES
dc.subjectnative tropical forestses-ES
dc.subjectSierra Nevada de Santa Martaes-ES
dc.subjectanuros de hojarascaes-ES
dc.subjectconservación de anfibioses-ES
dc.subjectplantaciones de pinoes-ES
dc.subjectbosques nativos tropicaleses-ES
dc.titleAbundancia relativa y uso de microhábitat de la rana Geobatrachus walkeri (Anura: Strabomantidae) en dos hábitats en Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombiaen-US
dc.titleAbundancia relativa y uso de microhábitat de la rana Geobatrachus walkeri (Anura: Strabomantidae) en dos hábitats en Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombiaes-ES

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