dc.contributorHeineck, Luiz Fernando Mahlmann
dc.creatorMaders, Berenice
dc.descriptionEste trabalho apresenta uma técnica de programação e controle da construção repetitiva denominada Linha de Balanço. E uma técnica, surgida na indústria fabril, onde a produção em série e em grande escala exige a organização dos métodos de produção e a racionalização do trabalho. O estudo, inicialmente, modela o trabalho de construção de unidades repetitivas, salientando os problemas de organização e administração destes empreendimentos. Num segundo momento, são apresentados os princípios teóricos da técnica com aplicações práticas da programação. Por fim, é analisada a metodologia usual de construção de conjuntos habitacionais através de um estudo de caso e, observadas as condições de aplicação da técnica da Linha de Balanço, não exigindo mudificações muito profundas na atual ação gerencial neste tipo de obra. As conclusões esboçadas confirmam as vantagens da técnica da Linha de Balanço para estes empreendimentos e propõem a sua utilização na organização do trabalho nos canteiros repetitivos.
dc.descriptionThis research work is dedicated to the presentation of a building construction programming and control technique called Line of Balance, specially suited to repetitive sites, as the ones that might be found on low-income housing. This technique is not yet known or documented in the portuguese speaking literature as to make it accessible to practioners and public authorities. This technique was originated in the manufacturing industry. The thesis discusses the rationalisation and organisation procedures needed on housing sites in order to make the application of this novel technique a succesful exercise. The thesis begins by putting forward evidence on housing demand and on houw the building industry organizes itself to produce houses in massive quantities. Available programming and control techniques such as bar charts, PERT/CPM and simulation are discussed in the light of their suitability to repetitive construction. The line of balance technique is throughly presented and discussed on its theoretical practical aspects in chapter 3 that constitutes the core of the thesis. At the end a case study where the line of balance programme of work might have been applied is discussed. The actual low-income housing site of some 800 dwellings was built using conventional bar chart, programmes of work; notwithstandingly, data gathered on the sequence of work throughout the site on the duration and precedence of activities, an the intensity and rythm of work from unit to unit leads one to conclude that line of balance would not conflict seriously with the way this site was tackled, at least for the underground and carcassing activities. In other words, this novel technique might be used without calling for deep modifications of the management procedures now in use on building sites of repetitive nature. The thesis concludes by pointing the advantages and disadvantages of the new programming and controlling technique as a background for further studies on its applicability on housing construction sites, since the case study demonstrated its feasibility as far as it does not go against the managerial concepts and uses of the existing programming and administrative procedures employed in this sort of sites.
dc.rightsOpen Access
dc.subjectConstrução civil : Planejamento
dc.titleTécnica de programação e controle da construção repetitiva, linha de balanço, estudo de caso de um conjunto habitacional

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