Writing and revision : the effect of individual revision, peer revision and teacher's written feedback in foreign language text production
Dellagnelo, Adriana de Carvalho Kuerten
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão The present study aimed at evaluating the performance of EFL intermediate students while revising texts using three revision strategies: individual revision, peer revision and revision based on the teacher's written feedback. The contribution of the changes introduced in revised texts as well as the students' attitudes and reactions toward the revising strategies were verified. Text production happened in two moments: the writing of a first draft of a text and its revision. Each revision strategy was used twice. Six classes were used for the writing of the first drafts of texts and other six for revising them according to the three revision strategies. In the last class, aiming at assesing the subjects' attitudes and reactions toward the revising strategies, an interview was carried out by the teacher. The research reveals that, according to the interviews, student-writers prefer feedback from a professional as opposed to any other kind of revision. Regarding the effect that the revision strategies had on subjects' subsequent versions, it seems that global aspects were more positively influenced by the teacher's feedback and by individual revisions respectively. Peer reviews also introduced textual changes, but on smaller scale. Superficial changes, such as mechanics and grammar, seemed to be peers' main concern.