dc.creatorCarbonera Guedes, Deborah
dc.creatorHospinal Santiani, Manuel
dc.creatorCarvalho, Joyce
dc.creatorSoccol, Carlos Ricardo
dc.creatorMinozzo, João Carlos
dc.creatorMachado de Ávila, Ricardo Andrez
dc.creatorFerreira de Moura, Juliana
dc.creatorPires Ramos, Eliezer Lucas
dc.creatorCastro, Guillermo Raúl
dc.creatorChávez-Olórtegi, Carlos
dc.creatorThomaz-Soccol, Vanete
dc.descriptionAntigen formulation is the main feature for the success of leishmaniosis diagnosis and vaccination, since the disease is caused by different parasite species that display particularities which determine their pathogenicity and virulence. It is desirable that the antigens are recognized by different antibodies and are immunogenic for almost all Leishmania species. To overcome this problem, we selected six potentially immunogenic peptides derived from Leishmania histones and parasite membrane molecules obtained by phage display or spot synthesis and entrapped in liposome structures.We used these peptides to immunize New Zealand rabbits and determine the immunogenic capacity of the chimeric antigen. The peptides induced the production of antibodies as a humoral immune response against L. braziliensis or L. infantum. Next, to evaluate the innate response to induce cellular activation, macrophages from the peptide mix-immunized rabbits were infected in vitro with L. braziliensis or L. infantum. The peptidemix generated the IFN-g, IL-12, IL-4 and TGF-b that led to Th1 and Th2 cellular immune responses. Interestingly, this mix of peptides also induced high expression of iNOS. These results suggest that themix of peptides derived fromhistone and parasitesmembranemolecules was able to mimic parasites proteins and induce cytokines important to CD4+ T cell Th1 and Th2 differentiation and effector molecule to control the parasite infection. Finally, this peptide induced an immune balance that is important to prevent immunopathological disorders, inflammatory reactions, and control the parasite infection.
dc.descriptionCentro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriales
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
dc.subjectMimetic peptides
dc.subjectIn vitro infection
dc.titleIn silico and in vitro Evaluation of Mimetic Peptides as Potential Antigen Candidates for Prophylaxis of Leishmaniosis

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