dc.contributorVasconcellos, Maria Lucia Barbosa de
dc.contributorUniversidade Federal de Santa Catarina
dc.creatorKobelinski, Sara Geane
dc.descriptionDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente.
dc.descriptionThe aim of this research is to contribute some ideas to the investigation of vocabulary instruction. In the 90#s, Applied Linguistics emphasized the importance of vocabulary teaching since grammar and lexis were understood as inseparable concerns. Nowadays, specialized vocabulary is studied as a sublanguage or English for Science or Technology (EST). This sublanguage, which is present in technical contexts, is part of students knowledge, who study English for Specific or Academic purposes (ESP or EAP) while enhancing their skills. In TEFL, the tradition, was to teach grammar and language structures. Typical pedagogical materials for ESP present some limitations due to the following: (i) they use unauthentic texts; (ii) they are not constantly updated, since they are printed and still based on grammar. In an attempt to contribute to remedy this situation, some methodologies are appearing in Corpus Linguistics (CL).Three approaches which make use of CL methodology (Lexical Syllabus, Lexical Approach, and Data-Driven Learning) were applied in one specific unexplored area: EST vocabulary. In this context, the following research questions are addressed: (i) How does EST vocabulary behave in some IT texts of Linux guides? (ii) What are the advantages of using CL methodology to produce ESP materials in Information technology? (iii) How do learners act in response to corpus-based activities designed focusing on vocabulary instruction? The research methodology includes corpus compilation, study of language standards retrieved with WordSmith tools (Scott, 1996), elaboration of pedagogical material supported by corpus-based approaches as well as the application and analysis of the developed material. The most important results pointed out: (i) Lexical combinations are context dependent, (ii) the design of a satisfactory material for teacher and learners, (iii) corpus-based exercises assumed a different position.
dc.formatxiii, 135 f.| tabs., grafs.
dc.publisherFlorianópolis, SC
dc.subjectLingua inglesa -
dc.subjectEstudo e ensino - Estudantes estrangeiros
dc.subjectLingua inglesa -
dc.subjectIngles tecnico
dc.subjectLingua inglesa
dc.subjectMaterial didatico
dc.titleA corpus-based approach to esp

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