Trafego, monoxido de carbono e ruido em areas urbanas : o caso de Florianopolis
Silva, Geralcy Carneiro da
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnologico Deterininação dos níveis de ruído e monóxido de carbono gerados pelo tráfego veicular urbano na cidade de Florianópolis, através de levantamentos diurno e noturno em pontos selecionados na ilha e no continente, objetivando correlacioná-los com a composição do tráfego para o desenvolvimento de modelos de previsão do nível equivalente de energia e da concentração de monóxido de carbono.
Abstract : This research seeks to measure the noise levels and carbon monoxide generated by the traffic of the city of Florianópolis and to compare them with the effective norms on the subject, in order to evaluate the current pollution levels. Measurements were made in several places in the city, which have traffic problems using the collected data models that correlate the noise level, and carbon monoxide with the composition of the traffic, were elaborated. The models estimate respectively, the equivalent continuous sound level (Leq) and the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) for an observer located close to the margin of the roads, using as input the flow of light and heavy vehicles. Considering that similar studies do not exist for the city of Florianópolis, it is believed that the proposed models represent a tool of great potential to be used in the analysis of impacts of traffic in this as in other cities with similar characteristics.