dc.contributorNey Amorim Silva
dc.contributorAlba Bruna Cintra de Grandi
dc.creatorLuiz Guilherme Herculano dos Santos
dc.description.abstractThe low number of houses in contrast to the high population growth has become a problem to be overcome in Brazil as in other countries of the world. On the basis of this, it is necessary to employ a constructive system that is fast, efficient and economical, able to supply new homes in an accessible way. In an attempt to reduce the housing shortage and cheaper housing access to the needy population, the construction system of molded concrete walls in loco presents with particularities necessary to fulfill this task, being fast and standardized in its processes, characteristics ideal for large scale production of projects. In this work the important points of this constructive system will be shown, for example, two very important characteristics of the concrete walls are: they act as a sealing system and as a structural system, since the horizontal actions and the vertical loads are concentrated by the slabs and walls, and distributed throughout the building to the foundation. In order to execute the sizing, ABNT NBR 16055 will be used exclusively: 2012 - Concrete walls molded in the place presenting and detailing its most important items. In this work, it is sought to manually dimension an example of a fifteen-floor building applying the concepts of ABNT NBR 16055: 2012, analyzing the vertical and horizontal loads, if there are walls subjected to axial load, with or without flexion and describing details of distributed reinforcement and localized, to prove to the end whether this standard is sufficient for the calculation. In this work we also present a brief history about the construction method, the best practices related to a correct execution of the concrete walls and also present a comparative analysis of the efforts between concrete walls and structural masonry in order to ratify which system has larger feasibility, in terms of cost aspects, speed of execution.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherCurso de Especialização em Análise e Dimensionamento de Estruturas de Concreto Armado e Aço
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectSistema construtivo
dc.subjectParede de concreto
dc.titleDimensionamento de um edifício em parede de concreto armado e análise de viabilidade construtiva
dc.typeMonografia (especialização)

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