dc.contributorSherindan Ayessa Ferreira de Brito
dc.contributorJúlia Martins Caetano.
dc.creatorJhúlia Passos Caetano de Almeida
dc.description.abstractThe stroke is a health condition that has high rates of disability and morbidity. Individuals after stroke commonly have impairments in body functions and structures, activity limitations and participations restrictions. These disabilities make these individuals usually look for a rehabilitation service. However, the individuals may find difficult to access these services, such as transport problems and high costs. These challenges may be greater in situations that require social distancing, as the COVID19 pandemic. The telerehabilitation can be a potential alternative in the rehabilitation of these individuals. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to perform a literature review about efficacy of telerehabilitation in the motor and functional recovery of individuals after stroke. The search in literature was carried out in the following electronic databases: Lilacs, PEDro (Physioterapy Evidence-Based Database), Pubmed and Scielo, from November 2019 to December 2020. Eight papers were included, the sample size ranged from 11 to 188 participants. The time after stroke ranged from 16± 25.8 days to 14,7 ± 6.6 months. The evaluation of 12 outcomes were identified: recovery of motor function of upper and lower limbs; balance; physical function; self-efficacy related to falls; performance of activities; subjective experiences of the participants; program costs; burden of caregivers; functional activity; satisfaction of individuals; save, acceptance, adherence; education. These studies used 16 measurement instruments, including 15 scales and questionnaires. In all included and investigated outcomes, a statistically significant improvement was found intra-group in the telerehabilitation group, except for the repurchasing tasks within two minutes. Furthermore, in most of the evaluated outcomes, there were no statistically significant differences, or the changes favored the intervention group, except for the outcomes total time and execution of fine motor tasks, total number of activities and number of fine motor tasks not completed. Therefore, the telerehabilitation is efficacy in the motor and functional recovery in individuals after stroke. However, the results should be evaluated with caution due to the small number of studies found.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherCurso de Especialização em Avanços Clínicos em Fisioterapia
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAcidente vascular encefálico
dc.subjectReabilitação remota
dc.subjectRecuperação funcional
dc.subjectRecuperação motora
dc.titleEficácia da telerreabilitação na recuperação motora e funcional de indivíduos pós AVE: uma revisão da literatura
dc.typeMonografia (especialização)

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