dc.contributorNirliane Ribeiro Barbosa.
dc.creatorCleania dos Santos
dc.description.abstractThe intervention project "Contributions to the Implementation of Good Obstetric Practices" is an initiative that aims and proposes a change in the nursing staff's role in assisting the mother-child binomial and family during labor and delivery. It will be developed in the Normal Delivery Center of the Joint Unit Dr. Djalma Gonçalves dos Anjos, in Pão de Açúcar-AL, where it is known that in practice the traditional intervention model of assistance to labor continues, therefore, the parturients are submitted to routines unnecessary and interventional interventions in labor and delivery. It is characterized by the lack of good practices in obstetric care and the absence of a previous visit by pregnant women to the unit. The overall objective is to contribute to the implementation of good obstetric practices in the care of labor and delivery. The specific objectives are: to implant the previous visit of the pregnant women to maternity; to sensitize the team of health professionals of the Unit's CPN for the implementation of good obstetric practices in the service; to discourage the routine and discriminatory use of oxytocin and episiotomy. Its target audience is the UMDDGA health team, and the mother-child and family binomial served in this service. The methodological strategies used are meetings, discussion wheels, previous visit of the pregnant women and construction of a banner on good practices, registration on good obstetrical practices. The Partial results are meetings with managers, UBS teams, banner display for the previous visitation of the pregnant women in the Unit; previous visits of pregnant women to the CPN of the Unit; Implantation of a record book of previous visit of pregnant women; added to the birth report book items related to the use of good obstetric practices in childbirth care to subsequently evaluate the results.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherCurso de Especialização em Enfermagem Obstétrica - Rede Cegonha
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectHumanização da assistência
dc.titleContribuições para a implementação das boas práticas obstétricas no Centro de Parto Normal em Pão de Açúcar - AL
dc.typeMonografia (especialização)

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