dc.contributorJuarez Melgaço Valadares
dc.contributorFábio Augusto Rodrigues e Silva
dc.contributorLuiz Gustavo Franco Silveira
dc.creatorBruna Costa de Souza
dc.description.abstractMining became a prominent topic and had a major impact on the media, especially after the environmental and human crimes of Samarco and Vale, that occurred, respectively, in the city of Mariana-MG in 2015, and in 2019 in the city of Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, and were the subject of several debates, reflections, and criticisms. Mining, despite being considered an important process for modern society, represents a challenge from a sustainable point of view, since it is an activity that intensely alters the mining area, causing direct impacts on the environment. Believing that situations such as these, related to mining activities and the environment, should be addressed in the classroom. This research had as its main objective to evaluate what were the conception changes presented by the students about this theme, after the application of a didactic sequence with CTS approach associated with dynamics of the three pedagogical moments (3MP). The research was developed in a state school in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte / MG, in a class of the 3rd year of High School, during the second half of 2018. The research has a predominantly qualitative character, using resources such as filming lessons, recording in a logbook, and audio recording. The didactic sequence was composed of 6 classes, containing activities such as: image analysis, reports and documentaries, board games, monitored visit, debates and case studies. The sequence analysis was performed from the construction of categories coming from both theory and practice of the three pedagogical moments. The results show that the dialogicity present in the activities in all three MPs enhanced the teaching / learning process, as the students were able to incorporate, apply, position and make decisions on issues related to the theme, including the political, social, environmental aspects, economical and scientific. In addition, Students have worked on the importance of exercising their citizenship to transform the society in which they live. We believe that the didactic sequence proposed in this study is a differentiated educational resource that will contribute to the expansion of studies on mining in the school context, through reflections and discussions that allow the student to be active in the process of their own learning and consequently to be critical about topics related to their daily lives.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação e Docência
dc.rightsAcesso Restrito
dc.subjectSequência didática
dc.subjectEnsino de ciências
dc.subjectAbordagem CTS
dc.titleA temática mineração em sala de aula: apropriação dos três momentos pedagógicos para uma abordagem CTS no ensino de ciências

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