dc.contributorGeorge Sobrinho Silva
dc.creatorFabiane de Cássia Amaral
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: In view of the need for improvements in the quality of obstetric care, an intervention proposal for the application of non-pharmacological methods to pain relief in women at work was developed near the maternity hospital of the Hospital Nossa Senhora dos Pobres, in the city of Berilo. of childbirth. This intervention developed from the problems identified based on situational diagnosis in the maternity ward. Target group: Team of health professionals involved in obstetric care of the maternity ward, made up of doctors, nurses and nursing technicians. Rationale: the implementation of non-pharmacological practices is justified because it is a set of techniques that, in addition to meeting the organizational needs for obstetric care in the hospital, has the potential to produce innumerable benefits for women, such as reducing unnecessary interventions, process as natural as possible. Objectives: To implement non-pharmacological techniques in obstetric care at Nossa Senhora dos Pobres Hospital. Methods: the actions to implement the intervention proposal were carried out in stages: I- Elaboration of the intervention proposal. II- Review of the literature. III- Presentation of the Intervention Project to the Hospital. IV- Elaboration of presentation to qualify the team. V- Acquisition of equipment and printing. VI- Exposure and discussion of the intervention proposal with health professionals who work in obstetric care. VII- Training of the team. VIIIImplementation of the intervention project. Results: the actions developed at the institution resulted in a care routine based on non-pharmacological techniques, allowing the constant presence of obstetric nursing, supporting the birth process, stimulating the active participation of women in the process of childbirth and birth, with minimum possible interventions and encourage the participation of family members. The results contributed to the structuring of the service and the strengthening of teamwork. Final considerations: The implementation of this intervention proposal shows the importance of building partnerships to improve the quality of care. The actions carried out in the maternity ward allowed the active participation of nursing professionals and consequently the reduction of unnecessary interventions. The implementation of non-pharmacological techniques becomes necessary to improve the quality of care in the parturitive process contributing to the reduction of maternal mortality in the municipality.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherCurso de Especialização em Enfermagem Obstétrica - Rede Cegonha
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectParto humanizado
dc.subjectMétodos não farmacológicos
dc.titleAplicação de métodos não farmacológicos no alívio da dor em mulheres durante o trabalho de parto
dc.typeMonografia (especialização)

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