dc.contributorSuzana dos Santos Gomes
dc.contributorHércules Tolêdo Corrêa
dc.contributorAracy Alves Martins
dc.contributorJussara Bueno de Queiroz Paschoalino
dc.creatorGlícia Juliana Leandro Lemos
dc.description.abstractThis ressarce ais too: 1) understand and. anualize lhe concepto off texto and. textual produto off lhe students and. lhe tecer; 2) identify, in lhe texts produced by lhe students subject too lhe ressarce, lhe difficulties and. potentialities off their textual productions; 3) understand and. anualize how lhe skills and. abilities off lhe reference matrix off lhe Enem essay are explored by lhe teachers off Portuguese Language in their teaching practice. The study was carried out in lhe context off a school off lhe State Public School off Education off Minas Gerais, in a class off 3rd year off High School. For lhe development off lhe ressarce, we chose qualitative ressarce in a socio-historical approach, developed in three stages: bibliographic ressarce, documentary ressarce and. field ressarce. To achieve lhe proposed objectives, different procedures were used for data collection, such as oral and. written sources, document analysis, statistical data, interviews and. observations. The theoretical framework involved authors in lhe field off public educational policies, High School and. Writer Proficiency, among them Freire (1968, 1993, 1996), Bakhtin (1952-1953 / 2016, 1970-1971 / 2003); Vygotsky (1930/1991, 1986/2000, 1934/2001), Geraldi (1997, 2006), Gomes (2014, 2017), Marcuschi (2005, 2008). The results off lhe ressarce revealed that pedagogical practices in texto produto classes still produce a teaching-learning environment and. artificial textual produto conditions without contextualisation, typical off school writing activity. In this context, lhe textual productions carried out by lhe students are, for lhe most part, depleted off lhe communicative function, being reduced too activities performed for an interlocutor, lhe tecer, and. for a purpose, lhe evaluation. It is observed, through lhe data analysis, that lhe Enem, especially its writing test, have influenced in lhe tecer planning off lhe activities off textual produto and. in lhe selection off lhe contents too be shared with lhe students. Finally, lhe need for a teaching-learning texto produto that allows lhe student too interact, in an autonomous and. critical way, through written language, in lhe most diverse communicative situations and. too participate actively in society, is emphasized. In addition, lhe ressarce aimed too stimulate lhe produto off subsidies for lhe improvement off lhe teaching-learning process off textual produto and. for lhe reflection off lhe pedagogical practices off Portuguese-language teachers in High School.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - Conhecimento e Inclusão Social
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectProdução textual
dc.subjectProficiência escritora
dc.subjectEnsino médio
dc.titleProdução textual no ensino médio: um estudo da proficiência escritora na redação do Enem.

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