dc.description.abstract | This article aims to present the scientific production of the Ibero-American Network of Studies and Research on Professional Education and School Evasion – RIMEPES. Created in 2009, and coordinated by Prof. Dr. Rosemary Dore Heijmans, from the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, RIMEPES, registered in the directory of research groups of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, involves the participation of 33 researchers and 27 educational institutions from 11 countries in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay) and Europe (Italy, Portugal and Spain), in addition to the partnership in publications with researchers from the United States and Japan. RIMEPES aims to analyze school dropout processes in secondary-level professional technical education, discuss the results of investigations carried out on this topic and identify perspectives for joint work between researchers, institutions and countries that make up the network. Since its creation, the network has been promoting research exchanges and discussions on the subject, at the national and international levels, through different activities, highlighting: the signing of international cooperation agreements, academic missions in partner institutions, joint publications among network members, organization and formalization of a national association to prevent dropouts, and organization of scientific events. RIMEPES organized four International Colloquiums on Professional Education and School Dropout at UFMG, in which representatives from the different member countries of the network participated (2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015). RIMEPES also organized three national workshops on Evasion in Vocational Technical and Technological Education, in 2012, 2014 and 2016. Also noteworthy is the survey carried out between 2010 and 2014 called “Medium Level Technical Education of the Federal Network of Professional and Technological Education of Minas Gerais: organization of IFs, policies for teaching work, permanence / dropout of students and transition to higher education and work” (Edital 38/2010/CAPES/INEP – Education Observatory Program - OBE-DUC). In the present work, the academic production of RIMEPES on professional education and school dropout will be analyzed through the discussion of books and articles produced by the researchers of the network and published on its website (www.fae.ufmg.br/rimepes), of the results of the research developed within the scope of OBEDUC, from doctoral theses defended by members of the network and guided by its coordinator, and from the annals of the mentioned events. It is believed that the diversity and quantity of works analyzed will be able to provide not only an inventory of RIMEPES production, but also a national and international panorama of the field of scientific production on school dropout and professional education. | |