dc.contributorArnaldo Leite de Alvarenga
dc.contributorJuliana Gouthier Macedo
dc.contributorLenira Peral Rangel
dc.creatorTatiana de Oliveira Almeida
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation subject is the experiences from dance creative processes in the context of elementary education. The questions which involved the reflections addressed here started from dance teaching practice developed in the public school Menelick de Carvalho in Juiz de Fora city, Minas Gerais. The Dance formation project has been developed for 20 years in public schools in this city. In this dissertation, it was possible to elucidate the path through this project in 1996 which was always focused on hiring teachers to work specifically with dance. It led me to draw attention to dance knowledge production in the context of public schools which needs to be imbricated to research, reflections, criticality, critical questioning and multiple ways of practicing/considering dance. Thus, I started to search paths to Dance in the context of schools by putting into practice theories which have contributed to develop this area of knowledge. Walter Benjamin (1987) clarified these reflections through his notion of experience from narrative. These reflections boosted the construction of narrative dance which understands the dancing body in schools through Bodymedia Theory (KATZ and GREINER, 2008). Hence, the comprehension that cognition is embodied, in other words, developed into corporeity, reveals that participants' (students) experiences are inseparable from teaching/learning process. The analyzed objects were the creative processes in dance developed into diversified basis Dance curriculum, in which I mediated in 2013, they are called Crian(DAN)ça and MeniOAs. Notes from personal notebooks, video recordings, photographs of activities in class and in other environments, and mainly, a deep description of experiences in developed creative processes. The idea of performing narrative dance in schools was the possibility found to balance knowledge production in Dance, aesthetic experience, cognition development and stimulate inventiveness and multiple ways of experiencing the world.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Artes - Mestrado Profissional
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectDança narrativa
dc.subjectExperiência e narrativa
dc.subjectEducação básica
dc.titleDança narrativa: experiências de processos criativos na educação básica

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