dc.contributorSierra Arias, Dario
dc.creatorRojas Lozano, Bryan Ernesto
dc.creatorPrieto Mariño, Doris
dc.creatorOrtega Buelvas, Rosario
dc.identifierRojas Lozano, B. E . Y Prieto Mariño, D. Y Ortega Buelvas, R.(2023). Plan prospectivo estratégico Secretaría de Hacienda de la Gobernación del Tolima 2022 - 2030.[Tesis de posgrado]. Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga, Colombia
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractThe present work as the final product of the specialization in Public Finance, is constituted in the design of a Strategic Prospective Plan for the Departmental Treasury Secretariat of Tolima, as a result of a quantitative - qualitative methodology, which from a diagnosis of internal factors and external evidence of the need for a strategy that optimizes the actions that are developed within the agency, taking into account its importance in the administration and government control of public resources. Thus, the objectives of the work were raised to recognize and define the raison d'être of the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Tolima as a starting point to think about a prospective plan proposal; carry out the analysis of the system of the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Tolima at an internal and external level, in order to identify its factors of change; Identify those strategic variables that follow the development of the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Tolima from a formulated strategy; Design and formulate the different future options to which the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Tolima 2022-2030 may be exposed; Recognize the different actors that have some interest in the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Tolima and their respective strategic challenge, as well as their interests, their degree of power and the conflicts that are generated in response to the formulated approach; to finally, build the wagered scenario under which the strategic initiatives that will allow the implementation of the prospective strategic plan will be formulated.
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherEspecialización Finanzas Públicas
dc.publisherFacultad de Economía
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.titlePlan Prospectivo Estratégico Secretaría de Hacienda de la Gobernación del Tolima 2022 - 2030

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