dc.contributorGaitán Méndez, Jorge Eliécer
dc.contributorUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.creatorMontaña Saboya, Diego Sebastian
dc.identifierMontaña Saboya, D. S. (2023). Plan de marketing para equipos de protección personal. Obtenido de CRAI USTA. [Trabajo de Grado, Universidad Santo Tomás]. Repositorio Institucional.
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstract3M has carved an incredible path in the global market, establishing itself and earning a position among the most recognized companies in different markets, with its various product brands, such as Nexcare, Post-it, Command, Scotch Brite, among others, It has managed to reach many corners of the world. But on this path, not all are joys, they have had to leave countries due to conflicts or political barriers, as happened a couple of months ago in Russia and Belarus and as 3M Paraguay and 3M Bolivia are beginning to live, which is ceasing to be an attractive market for the company due to its low performance and the little utility that these two markets represent in the accounts of the multinational
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Negocios Internacionales
dc.publisherFacultad de Negocios Internacionales
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dc.relationCaballero, P. (2022, 12 01). (S. Montaña, Interviewer) Potosi , Bolivia
dc.relationDatosMAcro. (2022, 12 15). Datos Macro. Retrieved 12 20, 2022 from Expansion Paraguay: https://datosmacro.expansion.com/paises/paraguay
dc.relationEl Pais. (2021). El Pais. Retrieved 12 01, 2022 from Casi dos millones de muertes laborales se producen cada año: https://elpais.bo/reportajes/20210920_casi-dos-millones-de muertes-laborales-se-producen-cada ano.html#:~:text=Casi%20dos%20millones%20de%20muertes%20laborales%20se%20 producen,accidentes%20laborales%20y%20967%20enfermedades%20ocupacionales% 20cada%20a%C3%B
dc.relationForbes. (2021, 08 17). 3M Colombia cumple 60 años apostandole a la ciencia y la innovacion. Retrieved 12 11, 2022 from https://forbes.co/2021/08/17/empresas/3m-colombia cumple-60-anos-apostandole-a-la-ciencia-y-la-innovacion
dc.relationGobierno de Bolivia. (1972, 8 24). InfoLeyes Bolivia. Retrieved 03 12, 2023 from InfoLeyes Bolivia: https://bolivia.infoleyes.com/norma/1401/codigo-penal-cp
dc.relationIntelligence, M. (2023). Mordor Intelligence. Retrieved 02 11, 2023 from Mercado de equipos de proteccion personal: https://www.mordorintelligence.com/es/industry-reports/personal protective-equipment-market
dc.relationMinisterio de mineria y metalurgia . (2021, 05 10). Ministerio de mineria y metalurgia Bolivia. From Situacion de la mineria y boletin estadistico bolivia 2021: https://mineria.gob.bo/documentos/boletin_1t_2021.pdf
dc.relationOMS. (2021). OMS. Retrieved 02 11, 2023 from Casi 2 millones de personas mueren cada año por causas relacionadas con el trabajo: https://www.who.int/es/news/item/16-09-2021- who-ilo-almost-2-million-people-die-from-work-related-causes-each-year
dc.relationSarmiento Calle, A., & Bustos Anaya, P. (2019, 03 10). Minería en Bolivia. Retrieved 12 01, 2022 from Mineria en Bolivia implicancias en el comercio y produccion: https://www.bcb.gob.bo/webdocs/publicacionesbcb/2021/05/52/40%20- %20Mineria%20en%20Bolivia%20Implicancias%20en%20el%20comercio%20y%20pro ducci%C3%B3n.pdf
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.titlePlan de marketing para equipos de protección personal

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