dc.contributorUniversidad Santo Tomás Tunja
dc.creatorDíaz Bello, Sandra Consuelo
dc.creatorQuiroz, Carlos Andrés
dc.creatorSilva Rodríguez, Julián David
dc.creatorValderrama, Diana Ayala
dc.creatorBeltrá, Carlos Alirio
dc.creatorAyala Valderrama, Diana Mireya
dc.creatorFernández, Andrés Alejandro
dc.creatorVélez, Juan Sebastián
dc.creatorSilva, Julián David
dc.creatorCastillo, Martha Liliana
dc.identifierIndustrial Ing. (2021).Memoria del V Encuentro Nacional de Semillero de Investigación de Ingeniería Industrial V ENSIII. Universidad santo tomas. Tunja.
dc.identifierreponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.identifierinstname:Universidad Santo Tomás
dc.description.abstractCurrently, research has been constantly addressed as an essential component in higher education institutions, which seeks to actively involve the research work in the fields of teaching, teaching and professional training. For this reason, the University Santo Tomás Tunja, from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, presents the compendium of the works that were supported by students and teachers from different University of Colombia in the °NATIONAL MEETING OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH SEEDS 2021 (V ENSIII 2021), which was developed on November 5, 2021, where a variety of topics of interest to the research community in the field of industrial engineering were offered, with the participation of some national and international speakers and lecturers who shared their ideas and points of view in research. Let us remember that the raison d'être of research hotbeds is to share, obtain and develop knowledge and investigative skills in students, which allows them to address solutions focused on solving problems related to their area of study and to be a reference for further investigations. Through the Encuentro de Semilleros de Investigación de Ingeniería Industrial (ENSIII), it seeks to promote and socialize annually the results obtained from the research projects carried out by the different seedbeds of the branch of Industrial Engineering and related professions of Higher Education Institutions at the national and Latin American level. In 2021, the V Meeting of Industrial Engineering Research Seedbeds (ENSIII) was held, where topics related to business competitiveness, Industry 4.0, Innovation, Occupational Health and Safety, Sustainability, Logistics, Operations Management, so that information related to the development of solutions that will allow the local industry and service companies from different regions to generate value transformation through the improvement of production processes was provided. The development of the event generated a process of integration between teachers and students from different Colombian Universities, where through presentations and posters, research proposals, ongoing projects and completed research developed by each of the seedbeds that make up the different Universities were shared. participants from the branch of Industrial Engineering; This space allowed the sharing of investigative pedagogical experiences and the exchange of knowledge, this document compiles all the presentations supported at the V Meeting of Industrial Engineering Research Seedbeds (V ENSIII)
dc.publisherUniversidad Santo Tomás
dc.publisherPregrado Ingeniería Industrial
dc.publisherFacultad de Ingeniería Industrial
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dc.relationHernández Sampieri, R., Fernández Collado, C., & del Pilar Baptista Lucio, M., “Metodología de la investigación”, Mc Graw Hill, Ed.; Quinta, 2010
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dc.relationPrograma de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, “Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible”, Obtenido de: https://www.undp.org/content/undp/es/home/ sustainable-development-goals.html, 2020a.
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dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.titleMemoria del V Encuentro Nacional de Semillero de Investigación de Ingeniería Industrial V ENSIII

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