dc.creatorCantillo Luna, Sergio
dc.creatorMoreno Chuquen, Ricardo
dc.creatorChamorro, Harold R.
dc.creatorSood, Vijay K.
dc.creatorBadsha, Shahriar
dc.creatorKonstantinou, Charalambos
dc.identifierUniversidad Autónoma de Occidente
dc.identifierRepositorio Educativo Digital UAO
dc.description.abstractPower grids all over the world are transitioning towards a decentralized structure. Under such a transition, blockchain technology is emerging as a potential solution for technical, deployment and decentralization issues, given its security, integrity, decentralized nature and required infrastructure. Moreover, blockchain technology offers excellent features like non-repudiation and immutability which makes it a promising application for DER integration and management on reliability factors. In this paper, a comprehensive review of blockchain applications for DER management and integration is presented. First, a blockchain-based literature review of research activities in the DER integration area and related tasks including entrepreneurial efforts is carried out. Next, the different opportunities and challenges of DER integration and management in power grids, i.e., centralization, regulatory support, development costs are discussed. Finally, some key research challenges and opportunities of including blockchain technology to DER integration and management issues are presented.
dc.relationCantillo Luna, S., Moreno Chuquen, R., Chamorro, H.R., Sood, V.K., Badsha, S., Konstantinou, C. (2022). Blockchain for Distributed Energy Resources Management and Integration. IEEE Access, vol 10, pp. 68598-68617
dc.relationIEEE Access
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dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
dc.rightsDerechos reservados - IEEE, 2022
dc.titleBlockchain for distributed energy resources management and integration
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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