dc.creatorBouchez, Julien
dc.creatorMoquet, Jean Sébastien
dc.creatorEspinoza, Jhan Carlo
dc.creatorMartinez, Jean‐Michel
dc.creatorGuyot, Jean‐Loup
dc.creatorLagane, Christelle
dc.creatorFilizola, Naziano
dc.creatorNoriega, Luis
dc.creatorHidalgo Sánchez, Liz
dc.creatorPombosa, Rodrigo
dc.identifierBouchez, J., Moquet, J. -S., Espinoza, J. C., Martinez, J.‐M., Guyot, J. ‐L., Lagane, C., ... Pombosa, R. (2017). River mixing in the Amazon as a driver of concentration‐discharge relationships.==$Water Resources Research, 53$==(11), 8660-8685. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017WR020591
dc.identifierWater Resources Research
dc.description.abstractLarge hydrological systems aggregate compositionally different waters derived from a variety of pathways. In the case of continental‐scale rivers, such aggregation occurs noticeably at confluences between tributaries. Here we explore how such aggregation can affect solute concentration‐discharge (C‐Q) relationships and thus obscure the message carried by these relationships in terms of weathering properties of the Critical Zone. We build up a simple model for tributary mixing to predict the behavior of C‐Q relationships during aggregation. We test a set of predictions made in the context of the largest world's river, the Amazon. In particular, we predict that the C‐Q relationships of the rivers draining heterogeneous catchments should be the most “dilutional” and should display the widest hysteresis loops. To check these predictions, we compute 10 day‐periodicity time series of Q and major solute (Si, Ca²⁺, Mg²⁺, K⁺, Na⁺, Cl‐, urn:x-wiley:00431397:media:wrcr22891:wrcr22891-math-0001) C and fluxes (F) for 13 gauging stations located throughout the Amazon basin. In agreement with the model predictions, C‐Q relationships of most solutes shift from a fairly “chemostatic” behavior (nearly constant C) at the Andean mountain front and in pure lowland areas, to more “dilutional” patterns (negative C‐Q relationship) toward the system mouth. More prominent C‐Q hysteresis loops are also observed at the most downstream stations. Altogether, this study suggests that mixing of water and solutes between different flowpaths exerts a strong control on C‐Q relationships of large‐scale hydrological systems.
dc.publisherAmerican Geophysical Union (AGU)
dc.subjectConcentration‐discharge (C‐Q) relationships
dc.subjectAmazon River
dc.subjectC‐Q hysteresis loops
dc.subjectTributary mixing
dc.subjectSpectral analysis
dc.titleRiver mixing in the Amazon as a driver of concentration‐discharge relationships

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