dc.creatorMeehan, Merrill L.
dc.description.abstractAn evaluation is presented of the Stallings Classroom Management Staff Development Demonstration Project, designed to increase student, achievement in basic skills through the use of iesearch-basee, 'systematic change in teachers' classroom management and organizational techniques. One objective of the evaluation was to utilize techniques and to administer a set of instruments to assess their utility for future evaluations. Process evaluation methods focused on teachers' feelings about the demonstration project, their concerns about the innovations, and evaluative comments made by involved teachers at the project''s conclusion. Product evaluation focused on the pre-/post-test changes in teachers' perceived responsibility for student achievement, ratings on the teachers' levels of use of the innovation, and the teachers' pre-/post-test intervention changes in "correct implementation" of specific classroom teaching behaviors. Following an executive summary of the project, chapter 2 of this report outlines the purpose and objectives of the staff development program. Chapter 3 describes the evaluation design, the data collection instruments, and the data collection and analysis procedures of the evaluation. Process and product evaluation results are presented in the fourth and fifth chapters. Data displays and narrative copy are used to clarify evaluation results. The sixth chapter presents conclusions and recommendations based on the evaluation study.
dc.publisherAppalachia Educational Lab.
dc.subjectMetodología Stallings
dc.subjectAmbiente de la clase
dc.subjectEficacia del docente
dc.subjectInnovación educativa
dc.subjectUso del tiempo en educación
dc.titleEvaluation of the Stallings Classroom Management Staff Development Demonstration project in Putnam County, West Virginia
dc.typeTechnical Report

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