dc.contributorFlores Pérez, Alberto Enrique
dc.contributorFernandez Albujar, Christian Javier (Ingeniería Industrial)
dc.contributorLa Rosa Arizaga, Leslie Vanessa (Ingeniería Industrial)
dc.creatorFernandez Albujar, Christian Javier
dc.creatorLa Rosa Arizaga, Leslie Vanessa
dc.creatorFlores Pérez, Alberto Enrique
dc.identifierFernandez-Albujar, C., La Rosa-Arízaga, L. & Flores-Perez, A. (2022). Production management model based on Lean Manufacturing and BPM tools to increase profitability in SMEs in the Plastic Sector. In Proceedings of the 8th International Engineering, Sciences and Technology Conference, IESTEC 2022, Panama, Panama, October 2022, 61-67. https://doi.org/10.1109/IESTEC54539.2022.00018
dc.description.abstractIn Peru, the plastic sector has acquired a solid position in the market, as a result, that sector must face needs related to the level of service and level of productivity; in order to optimize the rate of profitability. Due to the above, it is of the utmost importance to structure each of the processes, the projection of demand, the administration of resources and the supervision of set-up times. One of the important points to consider regarding what has already been mentioned is the management of resources and maintenance in the machines, for which it is proposed to consider the use of tools such as Business Process Management (BPM), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) y Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED), approval of suppliers and standardization in order to reduce the delivery time of orders and increase the low productivity evidenced due to the poor management of productive resources.
dc.relationurn:issn: 978-166549843-2
dc.sourceRepositorio Institucional - Ulima
dc.sourceUniversidad de Lima
dc.subjectProducción eficiente
dc.subjectPequeñas y medianas empresas
dc.subjectIndustria y comercio del plástico
dc.subjectLean manufacturing
dc.subjectSmall and medium-sized enterprises
dc.subjectPlastics industry and trade
dc.titleProduction management model based on Lean Manufacturing and BPM tools to increase profitability in SMEs in the Plastic Sector

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