Intervención urbana en vías y sectores adyacentes al malecón de la ciudadela Abel Gilbert cantón Durán 2023
Pazmiño Manzano, Bryan Andrés
La falta de control tanto peatonal como vehicular han originado que todo ese sector se convierta en un caos visual y auditivo, esta situación se da debido a razones reconocibles a simple vista: la estación de buses locales y las enormes masas de usuarios de la aerovía, que transitan al exterior de la estación. Sumado a las dos razones ya antes mencionada, el actual Malecón de la ciudad que se ubica continuamente alado de la aerovía se encuentra cerrado al público y con áreas en abandono, la falta de luminarias, mobiliario, semáforos y señaléticas de tránsito, generan molestia entre sus moradores ya que después de las 6 de la tarde, el congestionamiento vehicular y peatonal disminuye, pero aumenta la presencia de la inseguridad y la delincuencia Undoubtedly, the airway project aims to reduce the time of people moving from the city of Durán to Guayaquil and vice versa, the Albert Gilbert station located in the city of Durán has grown to become the busiest station, housing up to more than 40,000 users in one day, turning this place into a point of pedestrian and vehicular congestion.
The lack of both pedestrian and vehicular control has caused the entire sector to become visual and auditory chaos. This situation occurs due to reasons recognizable to the naked eye: the local bus station and the huge masses of airway users, that transit outside the station. Added to the two aforementioned reasons, the current Malecon of the city, which is continuously located next to the airway, is closed to the public and with abandoned areas, the lack of lighting, furniture, traffic lights and traffic signs, generate discomfort among its inhabitants since after 6 pm, the vehicular and pedestrian congestion decreases, but the presence of insecurity and crime increases.
The implementation of an urban intervention project, through tactical urbanism, will help to recover the public space that is currently lost and in a state of abandonment and will provide the residents of the sector with a sense of belonging and identity