dc.contributorVásquez Farez, Patricia Alexandra
dc.creatorRea Mullo, Clara Azucena
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to demonstrate the application or not of the Bilingual Intercultural Education System Model in three bilingual intercultural educational centers: Lazaro Condo of the community of Tunas Pamba, Culebrillas of the community of Abzul and the Mushuk Kawsay Bilingual Intercultural Community Educational Unit of the community. parish and Canton El Tambo, Cuna del Sol sector. The main objective of the study was to investigate the application of the Bilingual Intercultural Curriculum of the Kichwa Nationality, the functional learning of the language, the Experiential Calendar, harmonizers of knowledge and the Knowledge Primer, in the CECIB, according to the MOSEIB. We worked with a qualitative methodology with a descriptive approach through secondary information sources through the preparation of files and interviews with community actors. The results make visible the nonapplication of the bilingual intercultural curriculum, due to the lack of the development of the detailed contents in the harmonizers of knowledge; the lack of support from pedagogical advisors, and the development of training courses. Educational centers have curricular plans: PCC, PCA, PCD. Two of the three educational centers develop this plan in the bilingual intercultural education matrix, while one of the educational centers studied uses the matrix of the Ministry of Education for the Hispanic educational system at the national level. The teachers of the seventh year have not been able to teach and develop the mother tongue in the children, a situation that is due to the grammaticalization of the contents, the lack of didactic resources, the insufficient teacher training and the social diglossia of the language. Also, that two of three CECIB, have the physical design of the experiential calendar; however, they do not have the development of the contents of the harmonizers of knowledge and its components. It is concluded that the situation shown by the study implies the non-application of the curricular mesh with intercultural relevance
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectDesarrollo del pensamiento
dc.subjectEducación bilingüe
dc.titleAplicación de la educación intercultural en los centros educativos comunitarios interculturales bilingües del Cantón Tambo: ¿es una realidad?

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