dc.contributorEsquivel Gaón, Rene Ernesto
dc.creatorCárdenas Peñafiel, Doménica Valentina
dc.description.abstractThe present investigation has identified the best process based on the partners of account opening service in the offices of the Cuenca city of the Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Jardín Azuayo, through the Customer Journey Map. The same investigation has made it possible to identify opportunities for improvement throughout the member's experience, generating differentiating and unique elements that generate a positive experience (Chavez & García, 2020, p. 5). For the correct development of the research, it was used a mixed qualitative and quantitative methodology, taking as the object of study the 5 offices with the most account openings, which are: Cuenca, Feria Libre, Yanuncay, Totoracocha, and Patamarca. From these, 5 steps were followed to obtain the information, the first being the definition of the client's profile. As a second point, the phenomenological design was selected to make several observations in the sample offices to identify the stages, activities, contact points, experience, and satisfaction generated by the institution in the service, whose results were recorded through an observation sheet. to be analyzed later. In addition, to identify the strengths and weaknesses, satisfiers and define a service standard, a simulation workshop was carried out, and through a non-experimental design, a survey was carried out with a simple random sample of the partners who acquire the service of the opening of accounts, to corroborate the information acquired and make changes if necessary. On the other hand, projective techniques and the interview were used to collect necessary information about the brand territory of the Cooperativa Jardín Azuayo, which helped finalize the best Customer Journey Map. Thus, based on the investigations carried out, in chapter I the current Customer Journey Map that the Cooperativa Jardín Azuayo has was defined, where the phases, activities, critical moments of truth, satisfiers, and dissatisfiers were specified, as contact persons and standards. Concerning chapter II, the ideal Customer Journey Map of the service under study was proposed, the same one that had the objective of the service, proposals for improvement, phases, activities, critical moments of truth, contact persons, an experience that is sought too long live the person and reparation strategies. Finally, in chapter III, the implementation plan of the ideal Customer Journey Map was proposed, the same one that has the problems and actions to be implemented, and those responsible for the implementation of the action. In addition, the phases for its implementation were defined.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectEmpresas DUAL
dc.subjectIngeniería empresarial
dc.subjectCooperativa de ahorro
dc.titleDiseño del customer journey map del servicio de apertura de cuentas en las oficinas de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Jardín Azuayo en la ciudad de Cuenca

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