Relación entre riesgo crediticio, liquidez y rentabilidad del sector financiero Mutualistas en Ecuador años 2018 a 2021
Andrade Cornejo, Camila Tatiana
The global pandemic resulting from COVID-19 caused significant economic and financial losses
in public and private banking in Ecuador; however, a fact to note is that the popular and
solidarity financial sector maintained its profitability and liquidity within the projected margins. In
this sense, the objective of this study was to determine to what extent credit risk and liquidity
affected the profitability of the country's users between 2018 and 2021. For this purpose, the
population was constituted by the four mutualists that exist; the data panel had 192
observations, and totest the relationships the PLS-SEM model was applied. Thus, the results
showed that credit risk negatively affects the liquidity and profitability of these financial
institutions; in addition, liquidity does not affect profitability. Consequently, it is extremely
important to control NPL ratios, so it is recommended to analyze the portfolio structure as well
as recovery strategies.