dc.contributorNeira Molina, Vivian Alejandra
dc.creatorCueva Armijos, Katherine Paula
dc.creatorRivera Durán, Edison Paúl
dc.creatorTorres Sarango, Dereck Patricio
dc.description.abstractThe film project Mauricio en Discordia has three units: the folder of production, three individual essays per area, and the short film as the final product. The production folder consists of several sections in which it is intended to introduce certain aspects related to the form of the short film. The different essays correspond to the areas of direction, sound, and editing: “Narrative treatment and psychological patterns in the Mauricio en discordia project”, which is studied through the texts Psychoanalysis and Cinema: The imaginary signifier (1977), by Christian Metz; The narration in the fiction cinema (1996), by David Bordwell; The Cathartic Phenomenon and Classic Film Narrative (2004), by Jessica Zepeda Cruz; Psychology of the masses (1921), by Sigmund Freud; Psychological creation of characters for film and television (2005), by Elena Galán Fajardo; The character as psychological essence (2016), by Andrea Lozano Silva; Emotional dependence according to Jorge's theory Castello. A case study (2016), by Deborah Alalú De Los Rios; and the American Psychiatric Association Book (DSM-5) (2013). The essay entitled "Sound proposal: management of noise and silence for the film project Mauricio en discordia" is based on the following texts: Sound: Music, Cinema, Literature (1999), by Michel Chion; The sound, the music and the noise (2001), by Federico Miyara; and Sound in the cinema: Image and sound: a marriage of convenience (2007), by Laurent Jullier; Audiovision: An Introduction to a Joint Analysis of Image and Sound (1993), by Michel Chion; “Silence: the forgotten element in the audiovisual expression” (2010), by Daniel Torras; and “Silence belongs to sound” (2016), by Carlota Frisón Fernández. The third theoretical essay, “Creation of suspense, tonal montage and metrical montage for the Mauricio en Discordia project” is supported by the texts A classic example of cinematographic suspense (2009), by Lucia Gabriela Landeros; Construction of the scene in suspense cinema (2018), by Valentina Durán Paredes; The cinematographic suspense: Montage and temporal organization (2019), Josep Prosper Rives; Cinematographic initiation (1972), by Amalia Gallardo; Film montage theory (1991), by Vicente Sánchez-Biosca; At the moment of blinking (2003), by Walter Murch; The cinematographic montage: Artistic Tool (2015), by Gabriela Garcés Espinoza; Serguei Eisenstein: Assembly of attractions or attractions for assembly (2016), Luís Fernando Morales Morante. The present theoretical study, which is developed through the research-creation method (Hernández Hernández, 2006, 13, 19 and 29; 2015; Carreño, 2014), has obtained as a central finding that the realization of a film project precisely that the investigation of its fundamental concepts responds to the demands that are presenting in the practical field, depending on the development of the cinematographic practice. It is based on a solid theoretical base that enriches the discourse that is intended to be built.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.titleRealización, exhibición y reflexión teórica del cortometraje Mauricio en discordia

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