dc.contributorBueno Loja, Blanca Yolanda
dc.creatorCajamarca Torres, Katherine Estefanía
dc.description.abstractJuvenile delinquency is a problem that is present worldwide. When an adolescent commits some type of infraction, they are based on socio-educational, with the aim of integrating them back into society and repairing or compensating for the damage generated. In this way, the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of non-custodial socio-educational measures on the personal, family and social level of adolescents in conflict with criminal law who completed their process in the Zonal Integral Development Unit. 6, during the period 2020-2022. The type of research carried out was mixed with a qualitative preponderance and an exploratory - descriptive level; data processing in SPSS and semi-structured interviews were used as techniques. Regarding the population, for the demographic analysis we worked with the entire population, which made up 63 adolescents. After that, in order to describe the perceptions of adolescents and their families, the population was selected through the implementation of the non-probabilistic documentary for convenience until reaching the saturation point, in this way, there were 8 adolescents and 6 representatives. The results obtained showed that adolescents present effects at the individual level, in their selfrecognition, affective ties, autonomy, restorative capacity and life project; At the family level, the socio-educational process directly influences family dynamics, improves affective relationships, communication, management of authority and roles; and, finally, at a social level, interpersonal relationships are strengthened and they successfully reintegrate into the educational system.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectTrabajo Social
dc.subjectDelincuencia juevenil
dc.subjectPolíticas sociales
dc.titleMedidas socioeducativas no privativas de la libertad: una mirada desde los adolescentes en conflicto con la ley penal (ACLP) y sus familias, de la Unidad Zonal de Desarrollo Integral 6, durante el periodo 2020-2022

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