dc.contributorGuallpa Calva, Miguel Ángel
dc.contributorLara Vásconez, Norma Ximena
dc.creatorLeón Orozco, Danny Javier
dc.identifierLeón Orozco, Danny Javier. (2022). Relaciones morfométricas en dos plantaciones de Alnus acuminata kunth en la zona estepa espinosa Montano Bajo de la parroquia Cacha, cantón Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
dc.description.abstractThis research aimed to establish the morphometric relationships in two plantations of Alnus acuminata kunth in the Low Montane Spiny Steppe Zone of the Cacha town, Riobamba City. A random sampling with temporary circular plots with a radius of 12.62 m with an intensity of 5 % was applied. 4 plots were installed in the Machangara (A) and Murugallo (B) plantations. Data on quantitative variables such as diameter at breast height (DBH), total height, crown length and crown diameter were collected within each sampling unit. Likewise, qualitative parameters such as bifurcation, basal twist, inclination, and phytosanitary status were recorded. For the data processing of the quantitative variables, the calculation of statistical estimators and normality tests were applied. According to the results obtained, plantation B has the best numerical values, finding the crown percentage of 81.54%, while for dimensionless values such as the degree of coverage that has a high energy expenditure, depending on the crown index which is higher with 0.49 than plantation A. The cup shape presented a value of 0.78 and a cup mantle of 0.60. Therefore, this plantation is developed in sites with less competition. On the other hand, when analyzing the morphometric variables, in which plantation B presented balanced values in morphometric relationships, while plantation A only presented better results in slenderness, reporting a value that denotes minimal resistance to mechanical damage. Based on the results obtained, it is recommended to use this species for purposes of conservation and recovery of soils with outcropping of cangagua, since this species presented better adaptation in Cacha soils at more than 3330 m.a.s.l.
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
dc.subjectÍNDICE DE COPA
dc.subjectALISO (Alnus acuminata)
dc.titleRelaciones morfométricas en dos plantaciones de Alnus acuminata kunth en la zona estepa espinosa Montano Bajo de la parroquia Cacha, cantón Riobamba.

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