Technological development to elaborate common white wine in Misiones, with economic evaluation at industrial scale
2012-12-20Registro en:
Miño Valdés, J. E. (2012). Technological development to elaborate common white wine in Misiones, with economic evaluation at industrial scale. Visión de Futuro, Revista Científica. Posadas (Misiones): UNaM. FCE. APP; 17(1), pp. 192-210.
1668 – 8708 (Versión en línea)
Miño Valdés, Juan Esteban
The objective of this paper was to develop a sustainable technology on an industrial scale to produce common white wine with non viniferous grapes cultivated in Misiones. This technological project was initiated at a laboratory scale, continued in the pilot plant and industrial-scale project. It was considered as a productive unit to 12 rural families with 27 hectares of vines each. The 8 stages followed with inductive and deductive methodology were: The development of dry white wine at laboratory scale. The evaluation of process variables in the vivification. The mathematical modeling of the alcoholic fermentation in oenological conditions. The valuation of the aptitude of wines for human consumption.
The establishment of a technological procedure for wine in the pilot plant. The evaluation of the pilot plant in technological procedure established. The calculation and selection of industrial equipment. The estimate of the costs and profitability of industrial technological process. It reached a technology for a production capacity of 5,834 L day-1, with dynamic economic indicators whose values were: net present value of 6,602,666 U$D, an internal rate of return of 60 % for a period of recovery of investment to net present value of 3 years.