dc.contributorDomenico Voltolina Lobina
dc.creatorRoxana Rico Mora
dc.descriptionSe evaluó la posibilidad de utilizar cepas de bacterias productoras de vitamina B12 para establecer cultivos mixtos con la diatomea Skeletonema costatum. Las sustancias extracelulares producidas por S. costatum no fueron suficientes para promover el crecimiento de estas bacterias y en algunos casos lo inhibieron. Por lo que se aislaron las bacterias presentes en cultivos no axénicos de esta microalga, cuya coexistencia con S. costatum estaba comprobada. La comunidad bacteriana de S. costatum estuvo formada exclusiva y consistentemente de cinco cepas, pertenecientes a los géneros Vibrio, Flavobacterium, Plesiomonas y Aeromonas. Dos de ellas mostraron actividad antibiótica o bacteriostática contra dos de las otras cepas. Este tipo de comportamiento es probablemente una estrategia de sobrevivencia de estas cepas, que tienen un crecimiento lento y que no pueden competir de otra manera por la baja cantidad de sustrato a su disposición. Ninguna de estas cinco cepas fue patógena para Artemia franciscana e inclusive algunas de ellas fueron utilizadas como fuente de alimento. Ensayos in vitro demostraron que la cepa denominada SK-05 puede coex:1strr con Vibrio alginolyticus y V parahaemolyticus, especies de bacterias patógenas para A. franciscana. La adición de la cepa bacteriana SK-05 a los cultivos de S. costatum evitó la proliferación de V alginolyticus debido a un proceso de exclusión competitiva. Por lo que se demuestra que el uso de cultivos mixtos S. costatum-SK-05 es útil para el control biológico de V alginolyticus El uso de este cultivo mixto como dieta para A. franciscana no afectó el crecimiento ni la sobrevivencia de este organismo. La biomasa bacteriana no fue suficiente para modificar en forma sustancial la cantidad de alimento, pero afectó su composición proximal disminuyendo el porcentaje de proteínas de la dieta.
dc.descriptionSeveral bacteria of known characteristics were grown in mixed cultures with the diatom Skeletonema costatum, aiming to avoid contamination with pathogenic Vibrio species. The first trials were with sorne strains initially described as vitamin B 1 2 producers, since these could have irnproved culture conditions for the strictly auxotrophic S. costatum. However, the extracellular products of S. costatum were insufficient or even inhfüitory to these bacteria. In addition later trials proved that they could only grow on relatively high concentrations of the same substrate which favours growth of several pathogenic Vibrio species, and that they had lost their initial characteristic of B12 producers, which was the main reason for their initial selection. Later studies concemed five bacteria strains which had been consistently isolated from our non axenic S. costatum strain. These were initially characterized as pertaining to the genera Vibrio (SK-01 and 02), Flavobacterium (SK-03), Plesiomonas (SK-04) and Aeromonas (SK-05). Although they all coexist in the same environment and share the same pelagic habitat, two strains have an antibiotic or bacteriostatic activity for two of the remaining three, probably as a survival mechanism since they are less efficient than the others in substrate utilization and become quickly nutrient-limited. None ofthe strains is pathogenic to Artemiafranciscana and sorne were in fact used as food by Artemia nauplii. In vitro experiments showed that only one of these strains (SK-05) coexists and competes with two pathogenic Vibrio species (V parahaemolyticus and V alginolyticus). Cultures of S. costatum inoculated with this strain and later with V alginolyticus, showed a virtual absence of the latter, due to a process of competitive exclusion, since Vibrio needs a substrate-rich environment. This is inconsistent with the presence in culture of a bacterium which can use efficiently and mantain an active growth using the exudates of S. costatum even at fairly low concentrations. Mixed cultures of this strain and of S. costatum had a lower protein content than that of axenic S. costatum, and the low bacteria biomass sustained by the scarce organic substrate was not sufficient for a significant increase of biomass. Even so, Artemia survival and growth with this mixed diet was similar to those obtained with axenic Skeletonema. The use of this strain in mixed culture with S. costatum would therefore be conducive to improve conclitions for any organism susceptible to V alginolyticus, and probably to V. parahaemolyticus, which is less competitive than the first at low substrate concentrations.
dc.relationcitation:Rico Mora, R. 1995.Control biológico de la contaminación por vibrio alginolyticus en cultivos de Diatomea skeletonema costatum. Tesis de Doctorado en Ciencias. Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Baja California. 101 pp.
dc.subjectinfo:eu-repo/classification/Autor/Cultivo de algas,Vibrio alginolyticus,Acuicultura
dc.titleControl biológico de la contaminación por vibrio alginolyticus en cultivos de Diatomea skeletonema costatum

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