dc.contributorRuiz, Castor Mari Martín Bartolomé
dc.creatorSoler, Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar Y
dc.description.abstractThis study explores the critique of governmentality and biopolitics from the rights of those governed by Michel Foucault. In a first moment, the genealogy of the government in our society from its emergence with the pastoral power, through the birth of reason of State, the first forms of liberalism and neoliberalism. These different practices of government end up contextualizing multiple experiences by which the problem of life management becomes a fundamental category for an illustration of strategies ranging from the governance of the conduits to the management of the population whose apex will be the emergence of biopolitics as a paradigm of governing life. The second moment of the research is dedicated to thinking the unfolding of this platform of governance from the crisis management and its intelligibility grids whose experience constitutes the modulations of the processes of subjectivation responsible for making neoliberalism the great management program in our contemporaneity. The third moment of the research is dedicated to understanding the elements of the insurrections of the governed as a strategy of producing other modes of subjectivation contrary to the ethos of biopolitics and their devices of control of life. In the case of perceiving how the rights of the governed are constituted as modes of veridiction, by which the governed promote their strategies of resistance against the harassment of the devices. Our conclusion are devoted to understanding how the elements of the rights of the governed imply in the production of practices of liberties directed to our present time.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectDireitos dos Governados
dc.subjectRights of the Governed
dc.titleDos direitos dos governados em Michel Foucault: crítica à governamentalidade e genealogia das práticas de insurreição

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