dc.contributorSommer, Luis Henrique
dc.creatorKnöpker, Mônica
dc.description.abstractThe dissertation problematizes discourses about school discipline, which are produced and made available by contemporary academic production of the Education field. Its objectives were: a) to describe and analyze the discourses about school discipline made available by academic production of the Education field over the last twenty years; b) try to identify in discourses enunciative regularities and rarities which may provide the description of an alleged discursive order about the school discipline. The research empirical corpus was composed by theses and dissertations on school discipline published from 1992 to 2012. In order to analyze this range of materials, I extracted theoretical and methodological contributions of the Foucauldian production, mainly about discipline and discourse. In this way, the research theoretical referential is primarily constituted by Foucault work and authors who continue his studies. The crossing of tools and materials analyzed enabled the identification of the existence of a discursive order which regulates the production, nature and flow of discourses on school discipline in the academic production. This order takes as true the identification of discipline as something negative, related to domination, submission, deprivation of freedom, of movement, of creation capacity, of spontaneity, as well as inadequacy to the current context and to the liberating education model. Likewise, this discursive order accepts the possibility of a new discipline which does not have as one of its objective the manufacturing of tame and submissive bodies. Such discipline would be a path to learning and would have as its basis flexible and consensual rules. The identification of theses “truths” allowed the possibility of inferring that both approximation of discipline to pejorative issues and existent deletion as regards methodological strategies of this new discipline proposal might be driving forward dereliction of possibilities of teaching children behaviors we expect from them as students, according to what the word’s etymological origin posits, which may be influencing, among other things, the indiscipline growth.
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
dc.subjectDisciplina escolar
dc.subjectMichel Foucault
dc.subjectDisciplina escolar
dc.titleSocorro, eu não consigo “dar aulas”!: Discursos sobre disciplina na produção acadêmica contemporânea da área da educação

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