dc.description.abstract | The vertiginous changes in contemporary's context impel us to professional management based on indicators that strengthen decision-making and allow us to qualify administrative and pedagogical processes, ensuring the mission, vision and institutional values. That way, the research aims to analyze the impact of the Teaching Practice Monitoring Project as a qualification tool for teachers and its implications for the qualification of learning experiences. For this purpose, a mixed methodological approach was carried out, and as for the procedures, it was characterized as a case study that aimed to make approximations between the perception of the Pedagogical Team and the Human Sciences Teachers. The research participants were the Primary and Secondary School pedagogical team as well as the middle school Human Sciences teachers who work at Anchieta school, located in Porto Alegre. The paradigm used in the research is a consecutive, systematic attempt to reflect on the Teaching Practice Monitoring Project by applying a structured questionnaire with 19 (nineteen) questions to identify the perception of the Pedagogical Team and teachers concerning the referent, as well as its constitutive steps and a documental analysis that sought to identify the teaching practice feedback in class planning. This case study confirmed that the implemented Teaching Practice Monitoring Project is consolidated as a qualification instrument, and the feedback practice is present in the lesson plans, since there is an update of more than 50% of the plans.The analysis is characterized as a product of the present investigation, namely: a diagnosis of the perception of teachers and Pedagogical Team on the implementation of Teaching Practice Monitoring Project implemented at school. Furthermore, the investigation points to a series of indicators that aim to qualify the constitutive stages of the pedagogical project with an eye towards to professional excellence and the integral training of students. | |